General Education Committee Agenda
GE Committee Meetings:
March 25, 2025
2. Minutes of February 25, 2025
3. The JRD certification process.
4. POL-30 Syllabus; POL-30 Submission Form; POL-30 Rationale
5. HIS-45 Syllabus; HIS-45 Submission Form; HIS-45 Rationale
6. POL-10 Syllabus; POL-10 Submission Form; POL-10 Rationale
7. The GE Senior Student Survey (Google Drive)
8. Cross-Cultural Communication Graduation Requirement Standards (Google Drive)
9. The GE Submission Form revision
10. Other Business
February 25, 2025
2. Minutes of February 11 meeting
3. The PRC's response to the 2024 GE annual report
4. The JRD Faculty Survey (Google Drive)
5. The JRD Student survey (Google Drive)
6. MU-016 syllabus; MU-016 Submission form
7. Final GE proposal to the Senate and supportive documents (Google Drive)
8. The GE Submission Form revision
9. Other Business
February 11, 2025
2. Minutes of January 28 meeting
3. GE Senior Survey update
4. GE Proposal to the Academic Senate: update
5. Oral Comm Submission Form (Google Drive)
5. History-162 syllabus; History-162 Submission Form
6. JRD GE assessment update (Google Drive)
7. SPA-200 syllabus; SPA-200 Submission Form; SPA-Memorandum
7. Other Business
January 28, 2025
- Prayer
2. Minutes of January 15 and January 23 meetings.
3. Finalizing the GE proposal to the Academic Senate (Google Drive)
4. RS-134 syllabus; RS-134 Submission Form
5. GE Senior Survey (Google Drive)
6. JRD GE assessment update and JRD training
7. History-162 syllabus; History-162 Submission Form
8. Other business
January 23, 2025: urgent meeting
- Review and discussion of the GE Writing-/Speech-Intensive area proposals to the Academic Senate
January 15, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of December 2, 2024
3. W/SI courses -next steps
4. Syllabus; Student's petition; Student's narrative (Google Drive)
5. GE Senior Survey update
6. The JRD assessment: continuation
7. Other business
December 2, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 19, 2024
3. ANT-001 syllabus; ANT-001 Submission Form, ANT-001 Rationale
4. Serving Society/Communicating Cross-Culturally graduation requirement.
5. GE Senior Survey (Google Drive)
6. The JRD assessment: continuation
7. Other business
November 19, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 5, 2024
3. The GE annual assessment report (Google Drive).
4. Continued conversation on Oral Communication: Lori Ann Banez
5. Proposal to the Academic Senate re: Decoupling Writing-Intensive and Oral Communication courses
6. Serving Society/Communicating Cross-Culturally graduation requirement.
7. The JRD assessment: continuation
November 5, 2024
2. Minutes of October 22, 2024
3. WI Syllabi Audit Report: Sarah Skripsky (Google Drive), Telford Work (E&B update)
4. The GE annual assessment report (Google Drive)
5. The Comm Studies Department's letter and the committee response (Google Drive)
6. The JRD assessment: continuation
October 22, 2024
2. Minutes of September 24, 2024
3. Writing-Intensive courses syllabus audit: Sarah Skripsky (Google Drive)
4. MU-022 Syllabus; MU-022 Submission Form and Rationale
5. The GE annual assessment report (Google Drive)
6. The JRD assessment: continuation
7. HIS-45 Submission Form; HIS-45- Explanation; HIS-45 syllabus
September 24, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 10, 2024
3. Election of the Committee Chair
4. CAL- GETC: Steve Contakes, Vice Chair of the Senate
5. ART-23 revised syllabus
6. RS-142 Submission Form; RS-142 Syllabus; ART-142 Rationale
7. MU-022 Syllabus; MU-022 Submission Form and Rationale
8. JRD assessment: Tim Loomer (Google Drive)
September 10, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of April 23, 2024
3. Tasks for Fall 2024
4. Election of the Committee Chair
5. ART-23 Submission Form; ART-23 Syllabus; ART-23 Rationale
6. RS-142 Submission Form; RS-142 Syllabus; ART-142 Rationale
7. Other Business
April 23, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of April 9, 2024
3. Advanced Strength and Conditioning for Varsity Athletes Syllabus and Submission Form
4. SP-200 syllabus; SP-200 Submission Form
5. Writing-Intensive Syllabus Audit: Sarah Skripsky (the report is on Google Drive)
6. Other Business
APRIL 9, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of March 26, 2024
3. ENG-163 syllabus; ENG-163 Submission Form
4. Off-campus Decision-Making Syllabus; Submission Form; Rationale
5. Off Campus SS course syllabus; Rationale
6. Off-campus Global Religions in Context Syllabus; Submission Form; Rationale
7. Off-campus PE course; Submission Form
8. AP African-American Studies framework (Google drive)
9. IB exams (Google drive)
10. Other business
March 26, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of February 27, 2024
3. JRD discussion (JRD 2024 subfolder on Google Drive)
4. HIS-007 Submission Form; History-007 Syllabus; HIS-007 Rationale
5. Thinking Globally Syllabus Audit (Google Drive)
6. IB exams (Google Drive)
7. Other business
February 27, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of February 13, 2024
3. Serving Society and Cross-Cultural Communication new language (Google Drive)
4. IB exams (Google Drive)
5. Other Business
FEBRUARY 13, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of January 30, 2024
3. PSY-118 Memo (Google Drive)
4. Pass/Fail in the PE course syllabi (Google Drive)
5. IB exams review (Google Drive)
6. Serving Society update
7. Other Business
January 30, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of January 16, 2023
3. Request from the Writing Intensive Syllabus audit ream
4. Thinking Globally Syllabus Audit (Google Drive)
5. Psychology 118 (Google Drive)
6. IB exams review (Google Drive)
7. The PRC's response to the 2023 GE annual Assessment report (Google Drive)
8. PE Proposal Update (Google Drive)
9. Other Business
January 16, 2024
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 30, 2023
3. Thinking Globally Syllabus Audit
4. PE Student survey and proposal to the Senate.
5. GE Committee report: Felicia
6. Other business
November 30, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 16, 2023
3. RS-159 Syllabus; RS-159 Submission Form; RS-159 Rationale|
4. Update on the RA proposal: Felicia, Dave, Tatiana
5. Other Business
November 16, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 2, 2023
3. The RA Proposal (Google Drive, Serving Society subfolder)
4. SOC-200 syllabus; SOC-200 Submission Form; SOC-200 Rationale
5. POL-113 WI syllabus; POL-113 Submission form
6. POL-108 WI syllabus; POL-108 Submission form
7. HIS-008 revised syllabus; Letter to the Committee
8. PE Student Survey Results (Google Drive, PE courses subfolder)
9. Other business
November 2, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of October 12, 2023
3. HIS-008 syllabus; HIS-008 Submission Form; HIS-008 Rationale
4. SOC-001 syllabus; SOC-001 Submission Form; SOC-001 Rationale
5. QAR syllabus audit
6. The GE Assessment report (Google Drive)
7. Writing-Intensive Syllabus audit
8. Other Business
October 12, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 21, 2023
3. Understanding Society meeting: David Hunter
4. POL-113 Syllabus (revised version)
5. POL-108 Syllabus; POL-108 Submission Form
6. QAR syllabi audit
7. Writing-Intensive syllabi audit
8. Other business
September 21, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 7, 2023
3. Understanding Society update: David Hunter
4. POL-113 Syllabus; POL-113 Submission Form
4. SOC-108 Submission Form; SOC-108 syllabus; SOC-108 additional commentaries (GE Committee Google Drive): Blake Kent
5. Serving Society proposal to the Senate (GE Committee Google Drive)
6. QAR syllabi audit: Tatiana
7. Writing-Intensive syllabi audit update: Tatiana
8. Other business
September 7, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of April 27, 2023
3. The GE Committee's responsibilities
4. Election of the Committee Chair
5. Working Artistically assessment update: Felicia Song
5. Understanding Society assessment update
6. Tasks for the Fall of 2023
7. The GE Combined document
8. Math 005 and SOC-108
9. Writing-Intensive Course Syllabi Audit: Sarah Skripsky, Leonor Elias and Theresa Covich
10. Other business
APRIL 27, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of April 13, 2023
3. The GE Combined document modification by the Senate (on Google drive): Tim Van Haitsma and Felicia.
4. IS-122 Syllabus; IS-122 Submission form; IS-122 Rationale
5. Understanding Society update: Tatiana
6. NUR-175 and Thinking Historically
7. Other business
April 13, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of March 30, 2023
3. The GE Combined document modification by the Senate.
4. PSY-118 Syllabus; PSY-118 Submission Form; Rationale
5. Serving Society area update: Tatiana
7. Working artistically update: Felicia
8. Understanding Society
9. The GE Combined document modification for JRD (on Google drive)
10. Other Business
March 30, 2023
1. Minutes of March 2, 2023
2. RS-150 syllabus; RS-150 Submission Form; RS-150 Rationale
3. NUR-275 syllabus; NUR-275-Submission Form
4. The GE Combined document modification by the Senate.
5. Serving Society update: Andrea
6. Working Artistically Update: Felicia
7. Other business
March 2, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of February 2, 2023
3. CS-150 Syllabus; CS-150 Submission Form; CS-150 Rationale; CS-150 Assignment 1; CS-150 Assignment 2
3. Student PE survey update: Tatiana
4. Serving Society update: Tatiana
5. Understanding Society assessment update: Andrea
6.Revising the Common Inquiry section of the GE Combined document by the Senate: Tatiana
7. Other business
fEBRUARY 2, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of January 19, 2023
3. PSY-118 Syllabus; PSY-118 Submission Form; Rationale
4. Deslisting KIN-140: Food Systems from SS requirement
3. PE survey: update
4. Other business
January 19, 2023
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of December 1, 2022
3. The PRC's response to the GE Annual Assessment Report
4. The Kinesiology response to the PR survey
5. NUR-295 updates syllabus; NUR-295 Course Assignments
6. Understanding Society syllabus audit
7. Working Artistically syllabus audit
8. Serving Society status update: Steve
9. Other business
December 1, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 17, 2022
3. NUR-260 syllabus
4. NUR-290 syllabus
5. NUR-295;NUR-295 Submission Form
6. PEA courses in the GE curriculum
7. Understanding Society assessment: Carmel
8. Understanding Society syllabus audit (Google drive)
9. Working Artistically Syllabus audit (Google drive)
10. Other business
November 17, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 3
3. PE requirement in the GE Curriculum: Tim Van Heitsma and Dave Wolf
4. Articulation agreement and 2-year colleges' syllabi: Steve
5. NUR-260 syllabus
6. NUR-290 syllabus
7. NUR-295;NUR-295 Submission Form
8. Understanding Society syllabus audit (Google drive)
9. Working Artistically Syllabus audit (Google drive)
10. Other business
November 3, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of October 20, 2022
3. NUR-260 syllabus; NUR-260 submission form
4. NUR-290 syllabus; NUR-290 submission form
5. Understanding Society syllabus audit (Google drive)
6. Working Artistically Syllabus audit (Google drive)
7. The GE Committee proposal at the Senate: Sarah Skripsky's suggestions
8. Working Artistically update: Felicia Song
9. Understanding Society update: Carmel Saad
10. Other business
October 20, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of October 6, 2022
3. The GE proposal to the Senate (see the the document in GE Committee 2022-23 folder on Google drive)
4. RS-116 Syllabus; RS-116 Submission Form; RS-116 Rationale
5. ME-196 syllabus; ME-196 Submission Form; Rationale
6. RS-155 resubmission for re-certification
7. Writing-intensive courses in the GE Curriculum (on Google drive)
8. PE credit in the GE program.
9. Other business
October 6, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 8 with September 23 notes
3. The GE Annual Assessment Report (on the Google Drive)
4. NUR-280 syllabus; NUR-280 submission form
5. RS-116 Syllabus; RS-116 Submission Form; RS-116 Rationale
6. RS-155 Syllabus; RS -155 Application TG tags; Regional Study Guide
7. Understanding Society Syllabus Audit
8. Working Artistically Syllabus Audit
9. Writing-Speech Intensive Courses in the GE: Sarah Skripsky
10. Other business.
September 8, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of April 19, 2022
3. Election of the Committee Chair
4. Committee's responsibilities
5. Tasks for the 2022-2023 academic year
6. 2022 Reasoning Abstractly report
7. RS-116 Syllabus; RS-116 Submission Form; RS-116 Rationale.
8. RS-155 evaluation
9. Other business
April 19, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of April 5, 2022
3. Course proposals
4. To do lists for the next academic year:
a) BTFJRD Implementation
b) Serving Society work: proposal for the E-team; formation of a task force; proposal for faculty
c) PE modification
d) Separation of Writing and Speech Intensive courses
e) Other suggestions
5. Other business
April 5, 2022
2. Minutes of March 22, 2022
3. Course approvals
4. BTF JRD report and wordsmithing
5. Serving Society discussion with Rick Ostrander (11:20 AM)
6. Other business
March 22, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of March 8, 2022.
3. Course approval PHS-030; Rationale
4. RS-129 Syllabus; RS-129 Submission Form
4. JRD proposal
5. Serving Society proposal
6. Other Business
MARCH 8, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of February 8
3. PHS-030 syllabus, PHS-030 Submission Form
3. Discussion of the JRD proposal rationale
4. Updates on implications of making Serving Society a graduation requirement
5. Other business
February 8, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of January 25
3. Discussion of the JRD proposal rationale
4. Updates on implications of making Serving Society a graduation requirement
5. Other business
January 25, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of January 11, 2022
3. Discussion of the JRD proposal
4. Updates on implications of making Serving Society a graduation requirement
5. Other Business
January 11, 2022
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of December 7, 2021
3. Discussion of the JRD proposal rewrites
4. Updates on implications of making Serving Society a graduation requirement
5. Other business
December 7, 2021
2. Minutes of November 9, 2021
3. Update on the Reasoning Abstractly area. Revised rubric
3. PHI-006 course for Nursing
4. JRD discussion
5. Serving Society discussion
4. Other Business
November 9, 2021
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of October 27, 2021
3. GE Course approval: TA-142 revised syllabus
4. Consideration of the PRC's response to the GE report
5. Written Communication ILO Assessment recommendation re: W/SIC
6. Continued discussion on the Serving Society GE area
7. Other business
October 27, 2021
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of October 19, 2021
3. ME-80 course evaluation: Updated syllabus
4. Global Theatre Course Evaluation: Updated Syllabus
5. Report on JRD
6. Continued Discussion on the Serving Society GE
7. The PRC's response to the GE annual report
8. Other Business
October 19, 2021
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 28, 2021
3. TA Global Theatre syllabus; TA Global Theatre Submission Form; Rationale
4. ME-80 syllabus; ME-80 Submission Form; ME-80 Certification Criteria Alignment
4. Serving Society Forum: Informal feedback
5. Serving Society Forum: Discussion of feedback
5. Other Business
September 28, 2021
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 14, 2021
3. Reasoning Abstractly syllabus review
4. RA assessment plans: David Van Der Laan
5. Modern Languages Proposal update: Tatiana
6. Serving Society Faculty Forum update: Steve H.
7. Other business
September 14, 2021
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of April 27, 2021
3. Election of Chair
4. Discussion of the GE Contribution to the WSCUC Interim Report: Tatiana (GE Com Google drive)
5. Setting the committee's schedule and tracks of work
- Syllabus review for the Reasoning Abstractly Assessment (Ge Com Google drive)
- Continued GE JRD work
- Serving Society (and by extension Communicating Cross-Culturally) (GE Com Google drive)
- The Modern Languages Department's proposal
6. Other business
April 27, 2021
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of April 21, 2021
3. JRD training and support update: Tatiana
4. Wrapping up the Committee's work
April 21, 2021
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of March 31, 2021
3. The PRC's response to the GE annual report
4. Provost's response to the JRD faculty development
5. SOC-151 syllabus; Submission form; Rationale
5. SS requirement
6. Information Literacy ILO: Jana (the proposal is in GE COM folder on Google drive)
7. Planning the last GE Committee meeting
8. Other Business
MARCH 31, 2021a
2. Minutes of March 3, 2021
3. Serving Society discussion
4. Civic Engagement requirement
5. The PRC's response to the GE annual report
6. Help with the course and syllabus adaptation for the JRD GE area
7. Other Business
March 3, 2021
2. Minutes of February 17, 2021
3. Survey
4. Serving Society Discussion
5. GE Assessment Report Template
6. Other Business
February 17, 2021
2. Minutes of February 3, 2021
3. GE Assessment Report Template draft
4. Reasoning Abstractly assessment update.
5. Compassionate Action: Serving Society and Communicating Cross-Culturally
6. Other Business
February 3, 2021
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of January 20, 2021
3. JRD area status report
4. Serving Society. Guest speaker Angela D'Amour
5. RIL report
6. Committee for Spring 2021
7. GE Assessment Report Template draft
8. Other Business
JANUARY 20, 2021
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of December 2, 2020
3. USP1 Syllabus; USP1 Submission Form
4. JRD proposal
5. GE Assessment section for the WSCUC Interim report
6. Other Business
DECEMBER 2, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 18, 2020
3. Discussion of Diversity, Justice, and Reconciliation proposal
4. Discussion of the revised language of the Common Contexts
5. RIL report
November 18, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 4, 2020
3. EB-142 Syllabus; EB-142 Submission Form
4. JRD discussion at the Senate
5. Other Business
November 4, 2020
2. Minutes of October 21, 2020
3. TA-145 Syllabus; TA-145 Submission Form
4. ETN-010 Syllabus; ETN-010 Rationale for certification; Submission Form
5. Status of the Discussion of Diversity, Justice, and Reconciliation proposal
6. Other Business
October 21, 2020
1. Prayer
3. course approval
4. Other Business
October 14, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 23, 2020
3. HIS-82 Syllabus; HIS-82 Submission Form
4. DIscussion of the new Diversity Common Inquiry requirement: Rachel Winslow
5. Other business
September 23, 2020
2. Minutes of September 8, 2020
3. Reports:
o Tatiana foreign language GE discussion
o Steve Contakes – RA assessment
o Michelle _REJR Memo to the Senate
4. Report on charges from Mark
5. Philosophical Reflections discussion
6. 2020 GE Annual Assessment report due on October 15th
6.Continued agenda setting
7. Other business
September 8, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of May 5
3. Minutes of May 13
4. Election of the Committee Chair
5. Setting Agenda for the 2020-2021 academic year
6. The PRC's response to the GE 2019 report
7. Philosophical Reflections area report
8. Other business
May 13, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Reviewing the GE Memo to Senate to Address Diversity, Racial Equity and Justices Topics
May 5, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of March 27, 2020
3. The PRC's response to the GE annual report
4. Reading Imaginative Literature
5. Race, social justice and equity in the GE Curriculum: discussion.
MARCH 27, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of March 6, 2020
3. MA-002 Submission Form; MA-002 Syllabus; MA-002 rationale
4. RIL syllabus audit
5. First-year experience proposal report
6. PE courses proposal for the Senate
7. Other business
MArch 6, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of February 14, 2020
3. AAC&U GE Conference report: Steve and Tatiana
4. First-year experience proposal report: Jana, Theresa Covich and Tatiana
5. RIL syllabus audit update (see the GE Committee drive)
6. Discuss a possible response to the Kinesiology Department's questions about reducing the PEA requirement: a) Is every area of the GE being similarly asked to consider a change? b) How much of the committee's request is predicated on the financial impact of the legislative change regarding adjunct instructors' compensation?
7. Final voting on IS-122 submission
8. The revised version of IS-123 syllabus
9. Other business
February 14, 2020
2. Minutes of January 31, 2020
3. IS-122 resubmission; IS-123
4. RIL syllabus evaluation status report
5. Department of RS"s response to the CUPA assessment: Jana and Steve
6. First-Year Experience report and updates
7. Serving Society: Angela D'Amour revision of the internship category
January 31, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of December 3, 2019.
3. IS-122 syllabus; IS-122 Course Online; IS-122 Classroom Lectures; IS-123 Syllabus
4. RIL syllabus audit
5. First-year pilot proposal
6. RS's response to the CUPA assessment
January 16, 2020
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of December 3, 2019
3. History-118 syllabus revised
4. First-year experience proposal a) Eileen's response to the idea; b) Should we more forward with the current proposal and if so, how?
5. The RS department's response to the CUPA assessment.
6. Other business
December 3, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 19, 2019
3. HIS-181 Syllabus; HIS-181 Submission Form; HIS-181 Rationale
4. Proposal to revise the serving society/enacting justice area around the theme of high impact practices: Steve
5. RIL syllabus audit: the draft of the rubric
6. Follow-up: Steve's conversation with Mark and Gregg about reducing the PEA requirement from 4 to 2 credits.
7. First-year experience proposal
8. Other Business.
November 19, 2019
2. Minutes of November 5, 2019
3. Report on GE courses approved by email and face-to-face voting: a) APP-30 Digital Filmmaking; b) RS/EB-145 SS
4. IS-123 Submission Form, IS-123 Syllabus, Rationale
5. First-year student success and the possibility to adopt a cohort model for everyone.
6. Proposal to revise the serving society/enacting justice area around the theme of high impact practices: Steve
7. RIL syllabus audit: the draft of the rubric
8. Follow-up: Steve's conversation with Mark and Gregg about reducing the PEA requirement from 4 to 2 credits.
November 5, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of October 22, 2019
3. EB-150 Submission Form; EB-150 Syllabus
4. APP-030 Submission Form; APP-030 revised Syllabus
5. Geography and History of Israel Submission Form, Geography and History of Israel Syllabus; IS-122 Submission Form; IS-122 Syllabus; IS-123 Submission Form, IS-123 Syllabus, Rationale
6. Update on the WSF submission: Steve
7. Discuss the results of the 2018 GE survey and any response actions we might want to undertake.
7. Follow-up: Steve's conversation with Mark and Gregg about the PEA requirement
8. Follow-up: Steve's email to Helen about RS-001 syllabus
9. Follow-up: RIL assessment
OCTOBER 22, 2019
2. Minutes of October 1, 2019
3. Discuss approval of the WSF courses (materials are available in the Google drive folder)
4. APP-030 Submission Form; APP-030 Syllabus
5. EB-150 Submission Form; EB-150 Syllabus
6. The GE annual report: Modern Language Department's assessment of the ML GELO
7. Discuss the results of the 2018 GE survey and any response actions we might want to undertake.
8. Follow-up: Steve's conversation with Mark and Gregg about the PEA requirement
9. Follow-up: Steve's email to Helen about RS-001 syllabus
10. Follow-up: RIL assessment
October 1, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 17, 2019
3. Discussion of the OT/NT/CD survey results (the chair's response is in the Google drive folder).
4. The 2019 GE Annual Assessment Update Report.
5. RS-155-1 modified (other materials are available in the Google drive folder).
6. WSI Course 1; WSF Course 2, Faith, Course 3; Faith, Poverty and Justice Syllabus
7. Follow-up on the RS-001 syllabus
8. Other business
September 17, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 3, 2019
3. PEA-067 Submission Form; PEA-067 Syllabus; PEA-067 Annotated Syllabus
4. Rubric for the RIL syllabi audit
5. Materials for the Round-table course discussion: suggestions, requests
6. Tracks of work for the 2019-2020 academic year
September 3, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of April 8, 2019
3. Election of the Committee Chair
4. Tracks of work for the 2019-2020 academic year
5. RS-155 Submission Form; RS-155 Syllabus; RS-155 Application|
April 8, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of March 25, 2019
3. ENG-117 Submission Form, ENG-117 Syllabus, ENG-117 Calendar
4. Assessment of Imaginative Literature area in 2019-2020
5. Best practices: GE courses
6. Round-Table Seminar proposal
7. Support for GE courses: Theresa Covich
MARCH 25, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of March 3, 2019
3. Meeting with a RS faculty member re: CD syllabus: Jana and Tatiana
4. ENG-6 Submission Form; ENG-6 Syllabus; ENG-6 Calendar
5. ENG-7 Submission Form; ENG-7 Slylabus; ENG-7 Calendar
6. Round-Table Discussion course: Tatiana
7. GE credit and Topics courses: Michelle
March 3, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of February 11, 2019
3. New language of the GA/GE ILO: Heather
4. The GE Senior Survey presentation to the Senate: Paul
5. HIS-195 Syllabus; Submission Form; Resume
6. The Christian Doctrine syllabi audit: Jana and Tatiana
7. ES-001
8. CD syllabus audit: Jana and Tatiana
February 11, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of January 28, 2019
3. The new language of the Thinking Globally outcome.
4. The status of the OT and NT syllabi revision
5. The Christian Doctrine syllabi audit
6. An addition to the 2018 GE Senior Survey report: Diversity in the GE curriculum
7. ES-001
8. CD syllabus audit: Jana and Tatiana
January 28, 2019
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of November 27, 2018
3. The PRC's response to the 2018 annual report
4. The new language of the Global Awareness ILO and affiliated GELOs
5. ES-001 Syllabus; ES-001 Submission Form
6. BIO-005-4 syllabus
7. The GE Senior Survey report
November 27, 2018
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of October 30, 2018
3. ENG-130 Submission Form and Course Syllabus
4. ENG-46 Submission Form and Course Syllabus
5. The GE Senior survey: What do we need to communicate to the Senate?
OCTOBER 30, 2018
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of October 16, 2018
3. ANT-196 Course Syllabus; ANT-196 Submission form
4. The proposed BS in Engineering and the GE program: Jana and Tatiana.
5. Environmental Scan: Rachel
6. Memos to the RS department update: Paul and Jana
7. The GE Senior survey: What do we need to communicate to the Senate?
8. Other business
October 16, 2018
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of October 2, 2018
3. OT and NT syllabus audit: Rachel and Jana. Rachel's rubric; Tatiana's rubric.
4. The GE annual assessment report: Steve and Tatiana
5. GE Senior Survey discussion
6. GE discussion
OCTOBER 2, 2018
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 18, 2018
3. CHEM-004 Syllabus; CHEM-004 Submission form
4. GE Senior Survey discussion
5. GE discussion
6. WSI credit for a course taken by a °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp student in Uganda
SEPTEMBER 18, 2018
1. Prayer
2. Minutes of September 4, 2018
4. 2018 GE Senior Survey
September 4, 2018
- Prayer
- Election of the Committee Chair
- Delisting ENG-134 from Serving Society requirement
- Delisting EB-080 from Writing Intensive requirement
- Delisting EB-160 from Serving Society requirement
- MA-005 Submission Form; MA-005 Syllabus
- GE projects for the 2018-2019 academic year: Tatiana Nazarenko
- Exploring the Physical / Life Sciences assessment: Steve Rogers
- The 2018-2019 OT and NT assessment: Jana Mullen
- OT and NT syllabus review
April 27, 2018
- Prayer
- ;
- ;
- Next year assessment plans
- Exploring the Physical/Life Sciences assessment update: Steve
- Other Business
April 13, 2018
- Prayer
- Minutes of March 9, 2018
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- Transitional Experience course in the GE program
March 9, 2018
- Prayer
- ;
- : finalizing the survey questions
- Updating the GE Course Syllabus template
- The GE Key Question - Supplemental Instruction: Jana
- Other Business
March 2, 2018
- Prayer
- Minutes of February 16, 2018
- ;
- ;
- Planning the GE program review: constructing the GE Senior Student survey
- New name for the GE Combined document
- Other business
February 16, 2018
- Prayer
- Planning the of the GE program:
- What do we want to find out?
- What did we learn from the previous GE program review report?
- What data do we need?
- Which questions should be included in the?
- Do we want to examine the GE programs in other institutions? If yes, which institutions?
- Other aspects of the review process.
February 9, 2018
- Prayer
- Update on the Exploring the Physical and Life Sciences assessment: Steve
- Planning the review of the GE program
- Other business
January 26, 2018
- Prayer
- The Exploring the Physical / Life Sciences syllabus review follow-up: Jana and Tatiana
- Course Delisting: Jana
- The GE Syllabus Template
- Other Business
December 1, 2017
- Prayer
- Continuation of the GE syllabi strategies conversation
- The GE Committee Combined Document update
- Other Business
November 10, 2017
- Prayer
- GE syllabi strategies
- Other business
November 3, 2017
- Prayer
- Review of the GE Transfer Work by Mike McKinniss, Admissions Office
- ;; ; ;
- The NSSE survey: °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp quantitative reasoning results
- Other business
October 27, 2017
- Prayer
- of its WSI credit
- ;;
- ; ; ;;
- : Heather
- The EPh/LS syllabus review
- Other business
October 6, 2017
- Prayer
- ;
- : Heather
- EPh/LS update: Steve
- Update on delisting TH and US: Jana
- Course syllabi review & assistance with Live Text: Tatiana
- Other business
September 22, 2017
- Prayer
- ;
- Course de-listing Memos
- GE TG update: Heather
- EPh/LS update: Steve
September 8, 2017
- Prayer
- Committee's duties
- Chair election
- World History GELO assessment update: Tatiana
- Thinking Globally GELO assessment update: Heather
- Plans for assesing Exploring the Physical / Life Sciences GELO: Steve Rogers
April 26, 2017
- Prayer
- Minutes of April 12, 2017
- Assessing Exploring the Physical and Life Sciences in 2017-2018: Steve Rogers and Michael Everest
- Thinking Globally assessment update: Heather Keaney
- Other business
April 12, 2017
- Prayer
- ; ;
- ;
- ;; ;
- The Thinking Globally and : Heather Keaney
- Next year GE assessment update: Steve Rogers
- Other business
March 22, 2017
- Prayer
- :
- Symbol for the Diversity icon;;;
- 2017-2018 GE assessment
March 8, 2017
- Prayer
- WSF Faith, Culture and Diversity course syllabus;
- Serving Society outcome
- Symbol for the Diversity icon
February 22, 2017
- Prayer
- Other business
February 8, 2017
- Prayer
- Serving Society requirement: articulating the SLOs
- Other business
January 25, 3017
- Prayer
- ;
- Thinking Globally syllabi: and
- Thinking Globally Update: Heather Keaney
- December Faculty meeting follow-up
- GE Serving Society update
November 30, 2016
- Prayer
- Election of the Committee Chair for Spring 2017
- ; ; for new Course
- World History assessment: Alister Chapman and Rick Pointer
- Other Business
November 16, 2016
- Prayer
- RS104
- syllabus;
- ;: discussion
October 26 ,2016
- Prayer
- Thinking Globally and World History syllabi review
- ;: discussion
- Other Business
October 19, 2016
- Prayer
- Thinking Globally and World History syllabi review
- ,
- ENG-002
- Other business
October 5, 2016
- Prayer
- ; ;
- ;
- Academic Senate GE discussion update: Michelle and Tatiana
- : Rick Pointer
- ;: reading materials
- Other business
September 21, 2016
- Prayer
- Update from the Provost Office:
- ;
- ;
- ; ; ;
- Other business
September 7, 2016
- Prayer
- Electing the Committee Chair
- Plans for the academic year
- : Steve Contakes
- results
- Thinking Historically Assessment update.
- Oral Comm assessment update
- Designing and planning Thinking Globally assessment.
- ;
April 20, 2016
- Prayer
- ; ; ; s
- ;
- ;
- Other business
April 13, 2016
- Prayer
- Thinking Historically update: Rick Pointer
- Discussing and approving the proposed SLO for the Thinking Historically area:
Students will be able to analyze historical sources with appropriate attention to their various contexts. - QAR update: Steve Contakes
- ; ;
- ;
- ; ;;;
- Other business
March 16, 2016
- Prayer
- Planning World History assessment: Alister Chapman
- IS-124 submission form; IS-124 syllabus
- Other business
February 17, 2016
- Prayer
- Planning Thinking Globally and Cross-Cultural Communication assessment
- Overview of Assessment and Program Review: Bill Right
- to the GE annual report: Bill Wright
February 3, 2016
- Prayer
- : discussing and providing suggestions
- : discussing and providing suggestions
- Steve Contakes
- Other business
January 20, 2016
- Prayer
- : to review and discuss the report
- The QAR assessment update: Steve Contakes
- The Thinking Historically Assessment update: Rick Pointer
December 9, 2015
- Prayer
- ;
- QAR Syllabus Review
November 11, 2015
- Prayer
- ;
- Thinking Historically Update: : Rick Pointer and Tatiana Nazarenko
- : Bruce Fisk
- Other Business
October 28, 2015
- Prayer
- Oral Communication ILO in majors:
- : discussion
- and the implementation plan: Michelle and Tatiana
- QAR assessment update: Steve
- ; ; ;
October 14, 2015
- Prayer
- Finalizing the
- ;
- ;
- Updates on Thinking Historically assessment: Rick and Tatiana
- Other business
September 30, 2015
- Prayer
- Re-submission and re-certification policies for off-campus programs: "modest" and "substantial" changes in the program re-certification process.
- The draft of the 2015 GE Annual Assessment report
- Other business
September 16, 2015
- Prayer
- Working with digital materials and hard copies: Bruce Fisk
- ;
- Thinking Historically assessment and: Rick Pointer
- Student feedback for the Thinking Historically area: and
- Re-submission and re-certification policies for off-campus programs: "modest" and "substantial" changes in the program re-certification process.
September 2, 2015
- Prayer
- Electing the Committee Chair
- Plans for the academic year
- Thinking Historically Assessment
- ;
- The results of the
April 15, 2015
- Prayer
- WASC Self-Study Report: the committee's input
- Preparation for the April 24 faculty meeting
April 8, 2015
- Prayer
- Minutes of March 25, 2015
- The QAR plan assessment update: Steve Contakes
- Oral Communication Competence update: Tatiana Nazarenko
- The RA GE SLO: "Students will be able to recognize, construct, and evaluate instances of abstract reasoning": David Vander Laan and the entire committee
- Articulating the motion for the Aprill faculty meeting
- Planning for the 2015-2016 academic year
- Other business
March 25, 2015
- Prayer
- Minutes of March 11, 2015
- Finalizing the QAR assessment plan: Steve Contakes
- Philosophy courses meeting RA GE requirement: ;;
- Other business
March 11, 2015
- Prayer
- Minutes of February 25, 2015
- QAR assessment plan: Steve Contakes
- Exempting students with two WSI courses in their major from having a WSI course outside major:The
- : How should they be presented in the WASC Self-Study report?
- discussion.
- Understanding Society and Performing and Interpreting the Arts assessment update
- Other business
February 25, 2015
- Prayer
- Report on the AACU General Education conference: Tatiana Nazarenko
- QAR assessment plan: Steve Contakes
- Undersanding Society and Performing and Interpreting the Arts assessment update
- GE SLOs and Requirements: how they should be presented in the WASC Self-Study report?
- Exempting students with two WSI courses in their major from having a WSI course outside major:The
February 11, 2015
- Prayer
- Oral Communication Requirement discussion with Deborah Dunn, Communication Studies
- Understanding Society assessment update
- Performing and Interpreting the Arts assessment update
- ;;
- GE SLOs and Requirements: how they should be presented in the WASC Self-Study report?
January 28, 2015
- Prayer
- Oral Communication update
- Understanding Society assessment update: Tom Knecht and Tatiana Nazarenko
- Performing and Interpreting the Arts assessment update: Bruce Fisk and John Blondell
- GE SLOs and Requirements
- ;;
January 14, 2015
- Prayer
- ;
- ;
- Performing and Interpreting the Arts assessment update: Bruce Fisk and John Blondell
- Understanding Society assessment update: Tom Knecht and Tatiana Nazarenko
- Oral Communication requirement update: Tatiana Nazarenko
- GE SLOs and requiremnent
December 1, 2014
- Prayer
- Special guest: Provost Mark Sargent
- ;
- ;
- Oral Communication requirement
- Exempting students with two WSI courses in their major from having a WSI course outside major.
November 17, 2014
- Prayer
- ;
- Update on Understanding Society: Tom Knecht
- Update on Performing and Interpreting the Arts: Bruce Fisk
- Exempting students with two WSI courses in their major from having a WSI course outside major.
- Oral Communication requirement
- ;
November 3, 2014
- Prayer
- Minutes of October 20, 2014
- GE website
- Update on Understanding Society: Tom Knecht
- Update on Performing and Interpreting the Arts: Bruce Fisk
- Update on Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning: Steve Contakes
- The Academic Senate' s task: exempting students with two WSI courses in their major from having a WSI course outside major: Tatiana Nazarenko and Michelle Hardley.
- The Academic Senate's task: Oral Communication requirement: David Vander Laan and Tatiana Nazarenko
October 20, 2914
- Prayer
- The GE website: Committee members' Bios and photos
- Update on Understanding Society: Tom Knecht
- Update on Performing and Interpreting the Arts: Bruce Fisk
- : Steve Contakes
October 6, 2014
- Prayer
- : to discuss the draft and provide input
- The Understanding Society and Performing and Interpreting the Arts assessment discussion: the entire committee and guests including Provost Sargent and Riley Svikhart, WCSA President
September 22, 2014
- Prayer
- ;
- ; ; ;
- Understanding Society Syllabus Review report
- Performing and Interpreting the Arts Syllabus Review report
September 8, 2014
- Prayer
- The GE Committee's duties and responsibilities.
- The GE website project update: Tatiana Nazarenko
- The GE Committee's Tasks for the 2014-2015 Academic year.
- ; .
- ;
- The Understanding Society and Performing and Interpreting the Arts syllabus review in LiveText: Doug Conrad and Tatiana Nazarenko.
April 10, 2014
- Prayer
- Approval of
- Oral Communication report and syllabi review data: discussion
- Assessment Redesign: John Blondell
March 27, 2014
- Prayer
- Approval of
- ;
- WASC Standard Four:the committee's input
February 27, 2014
- Prayer
- Approval of
- document discussion
- Edit of the GE Combined Document
February 20, 2014
- Prayer
- Approval of
- Edit of the GE Combined Document
- General Education Redesign
January 30, 2014
- Prayer
- Approval of
- : Performing and Interpreting the Arts Issue
- General Education Redesign: John Blondell
January 16, 2014
- Prayer
- General Education Website Update: Tatiana Nazarenko
- Oral Communication Update: Tatiana Nazarenko
- Art 180: Performing and Interpreting the Arts Issue: John Blondell
- General Education Redesign:Tatiana Nazarenko and John Blondell
December 5, 2013
- Prayer
- PRC Response to 2012-2013 Report: Savannah Kelley
- General Education Outcomes Proposal
- Update – Art, Liberal Studies, and PIA
November 21, 2013
- Prayer
- Minutes of
- General Education and the First Year Experience: Angela D’Amour
- Discussion and Decision
- Critical Thinking Workshop, Quick Report: Rick Pointer
- Oral Communication Assessment: Tatiana Nazarenko
- Art 180: PIA Issues
November 7, 2013
- Prayer
- Discussion of the GE program with Mark Sargent.
- : presented by Jim Taylor.
October 24, 2013
- Prayer
- Chair’s Updates and Outline
- Course Proposals: °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp in Istanbul
October 17, 2013
- Prayer
- Chair’s Updates and Outline
- Presentation and Discussion – 2013 General Education Assessment Report, Introduced by Tatiana Nazarenko. Discussion: Closing the Writing Intensive Loop
- Proposal: General Education Website reorganization, Introduced by Wayne Iba
- Course Proposals:
- Course Proposal: CS 195, Speech Intensive in the Major
September 26, 2013
- Prayer
- Chair’s Updates and Outline
- Discussion leading to a Recommendation: Jim Taylor and the Reasoning Abstractly GE Requirement
- Preliminary Discussion: Closing the Writing Intensive Loop
- RS-190 SS Submission Form; RS-190SS Syllabus;
- Thinking Together: GE and Institutional Alignment
- Other Business
September 12, 2013
- Prayer
- Minutes of August 29, 2013
- Chair election
- Approval of the: the entire committee
- Revision of the highlighted sections of the (pp.1,2, 9)
August 29, 2013
- Prayer
- Chair election
- Plans for the 2013-2014 academic year
- Critical Thinking assessment: Jim Taylor
- : John Blondell
- Other business
April 23, 2013
- Prayer
- A
- ;
- Re-evaluating the description (interpretive statement, etc.) of the Reading Imaginative Literature component of the GE: Wayne Iba
- Other Business
April 2, 2013,
- Prayer
- Minutes of
- : the revised versions to refine, approve and submit to the Senate: the entire committee
- Other business
March 26, 2013
- Prayer
- ;
- finalizing the document
March 5, 2013
- Prayer
- ..
- .
- Discussion and editing: the entire committee
- : discussion and strategizing: the entire committee.
- Other business
February 26, 2013
- Prayer
- ;
- ; ;
- Discussion and editing: the entire committee
- : discussion and strategizing: the entire commitee.
- Other business
February 12, 2013
- Prayer
- Mission and ILOs /GE SLOs alignment survey: the entire committee. You will need your laptop to respond to the online survey
- Submission ;
- Other business
January 29, 2013
- Prayer
- Fulfillment of the PIA requirement by Music majors: discussion
- Minor changes in the syllabi of the previously certified GE courses : do we have/ need a policy for this case?
- Other business
January 15, 2013
- Prayer
- Other business
November 29, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve
- Oral Communication Assessment Update: John Blondell
- GE Committee proposals to the Senate: Tatiana Nazarenko
- Modifying the GE curriculum conversations with the senators: Gregg Afman, John Blondell, Wayne Iba
- Drafting the GE modification proposal to the Senate
November 8, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve
- Procedural changes
- GE Dilemma: brainstorming and developing an Action Plan
October 25, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve
- and GE submissions website: to discuss and make recommendations
- to discuss, improve and approve
October 11, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve
- ; ;; ; : read the new sections of the draft (in red) and provide feedback
- Off-Campus program courses certification: Mark Sargent
September 27, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve
- ; ;; : read the draft and provide feedback: the entire conmmittee
- Briefing on the Association of General and Liberal Studies conference: Tatiana Nazarenko
September 13, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve
- Delisting EB-009 from PRTV
- New ;
- New
- ; ;; : read the draft and provide feedback: the entire conmmittee. Updates on the 2011-2012 GE Writing Across the Curriculum will be provided at faculty forum on 09.13.2012
August 30, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve Minutes of April 24, 2012.
- Election of the Committee Chair
- Review of the Committee duties, responsibilities, and working documents. : read the draft and provide feedback. The GEC Combined Document
- : read the draft and provide feedback: the entire committee. Updates on the 2011-2012 GE Writing Across the Curriculum Assessment: Tatiana Nazarenko and Sarah Skripsky
- Planning for the future
- Other business
April 24, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve Minutes of April 10, 2012
- GE curriculum at °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp: Mark Sargent, GEC members, and guests
- What will we communicate to the faculty at the Faculty Forum? FYI:
- Planning for the future
April 10, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve Minutes of March 27, 2012
- Suggestions for the GE 2011-2012 to the Academic Senate. All Committee members
- Suggestions for the 2012 GE Annual Assessment Report. All Committee members
- Responses to the AGLS questionnaire: data analysis. All Committee members
- What questions do we have for the Provost? What are we going to communicate to faculty at the April 26 Faculty Forum? All Committee members
March 27, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve Minutes of February 28, 2012
- AACU: General Education and Assessment : New Contexts, New Cultures. Briefing by Wayne Iba, Maurice Lee and Tatiana Nazarenko
February 28, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve February 14, 2012
- ;
- Other business
February 14, 2012
- Prayer
- ; ;
- ;
- to the: discussion and suggestions
- Other business
January 31, 2012
- Prayer
- Read and approve of Minutes of January 17, 2012
- ;
- ; TA Submission form
- Response to the discussion and suggestions
- WASC Accreditation Redesign: what does it mean for us?
January 17, 2012
- Prayer
- WASC Accreditation Redesign: Bill Wright's presentation
- Read and approve Minutes of November 22, 2011 and December 6, 2011
- Response to the discussion and suggestions
- Diversity ILO
December 6, 2011
- Prayer
- Read and approve Minutes of November 22, 2011
- Common Context Syllabi Revision (Philosophical Reflections and World History); results and discussion
- Other business
November 22, 2011
- Prayer
- Read and approve Minutes of November 8, 2011
- ;
- ; ; ;;
- IS-125 for Understanding Society Credit:;
- Common Context Syllabi Revision: results and discussion
November 8, 2011
- Prayer
- Read and approve Minutes of October 25, 2011
- ;
- Istanbul Program:
- ;
- ;
- Common Context Syllabus Review
- Diversity Issue: what is the solution?
October 25, 2011
- Prayer
- Read and approve Minutes of September 27, 2011
- Sarah Skripsky, Lead Assessment Specialist:
- Syllabus review
Goal: report findings and make data-guided decision - ;
- ;
- ; ; ;;
- IS-125 for Understanding Society Credit:;
- ; ;
- The Diversity issue:
September 27, 2011
- Prayer
- Read and approve Minutes of September 13, 2011
- TA 186 and TA 187
- IS 124 GE ; ; ; ;
- Update on Diversity List
- New version of the RS-related GE outcomes
- (cont.)
- Other business
September 13, 2011
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of August 30, 2011.
- TA 186;
Academic Senate's task: Diversity requirement: brainstorming.
Goal: discuss the specific tasks before us this year and the responsibilities delegated to individual committee members.
- Syllabus review: Common Context courses
- (cont.)
- Other business
August 30, 2011
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of April 19, 2011
- National Trends in GE and Undergraduate Education: ;
Goal: read the article before the meeting and use as a guidance for our committee work - Get familiarized with the restructured Educational Effectiveness website
- Review of Committee duties and the opportunity to create a GE Faculty Learning Community
Goal: discuss the role and responsibilities of the committee Goal: discuss the specific tasks before us this year and the responsibilities delegated to individual committee members.
- Other Business
April 19, 2011
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of March 5, 2011
- Syllabus Review and New Certification Criteria for Writing-Intensive courses and New Certification Criteria for Speech-Intensive courses. Revise and approve new Certification Criteria for Writing/Speech-Intensive Courses
- Minimum Requirements for Course Syllabi
- RIL assessment: the Department of English request
- Certification criteria for Performing and Interpreting the Arts, Thinking Globally, Thinking Historically, Physical Education, Research, and Communicating Cross-Culturally.
- GEC report to the Academic Senate
- Communication with the Academic Senate:All Committee members
- Committee work wrap-up
April 5, 2011
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of March 22, 2011
- Assessment Plan: What should we communicate to the Academic Senate this week? The Entire Committee
March 22, 2011
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of March 8, 2011
- Syllabus review progress: Entire Committee. New Certification Criteria for Writing-Intensive courses
- GE SLOs revised after the 03.11.2011 Academic Senate meeting; Assessment Plan 2011-2012 Version 2;
What should be presented to the faculty at the faculty meeting?: Entire Committee - Institutional level assessment..
What should be presented to the faculty at the faculty meeting?: Entire Committee
March 8, 2011
- Prayer
- . Bill Wright. Suggestions and comments: Entire Committee.
1. Macro feedback - Is the report capturing the big-picture of what has been happening at °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp since 2007 and the trajectory we are now on?"
2. Micro feedback - Do we have the details right? Errors? Other helpful points that we might add? Recommended deletions? - Review and approve Minutes of February 8, 2011
- GE six-year program review report. Quotes from GE Survey. What should we communicate to the Academic Senate and Department Chairs? Suggestions ad comments: Entire Committee
- New Certification Criteria for Writing-Intensive courses. Presenter: Tatiana and Debra. Discussion and approval:All Committee members
- Syllabus review progress:All Committee members
February 8, 2011
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of January 25, 2011
- PHY-127 Submission Form; Syllabus
- GE six -year program review report: What should we communicate to the Academic Senate and Department Chairs?All Committee members
- The Proposed Assessment Plan Survey and. What should we communicate to the Academic Senate and Faculty Council? Entire Committee
- Streamlining the GE assessment: Should Productions and Presentations, Research, and Integrating the Major Discipline be part of the GE Curriculum? All Committee members
- Approving GE Certification Criteria for Performing and Interpreting the Arts and Thinking Globally areas
- Syllabus review norming session
January 25, 2011
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of January 11, 2011
- Faith and State in Modern Turkey Syllabus; Submission Form
Goal: discuss and develop recommendations/suggestions- Approving GE Certification Criteria for Reasoning Abstractly, Performing and Interpreting the Arts, and Thinking Globally areas
- Planning syllabus review
January 11, 2011
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of November 30, 2010
- IS 123 Submission Form; IS 123 Syllabus; Supplementary documents
- JUC-°µÍø±¬ÁÏapp course Submission Form; JUC-°µÍø±¬ÁÏapp Syllabus; Supplementary documents
- The Middle East in Story and History Submission Form; Syllabus
- GE Six-Year Program Review Report
Goal: decide on the report reviewing procedure. All Committee members - Presenting the new Six-Year Assessment plan at the 01.13.2010 Faculty Forum.
Information update: Tatiana Nazarenko. Comments and suggestions: Entire Committee - Other Business
November 30, 2010
- Prayer
- Review and approve of Minutes of November 16, 2010
- BIO 129 Submission Form; Syllabus
- Streamline the GE assessment process. Entire GEC
- First Semester Accomplishments and Second Semester Tasks: Entire Committee
Goal: Mid-year self-assessment: What should we do to serve the college community better? - Other Business
November 16, 2010
- Prayer
- Review and approve of Minutes of November 2, 2010
- Developing SLOs for Research and Life Sciences
Goal: provide information update. Frank Percival - POL 108 Resubmission
- POL 110 Submission Form, Syllabus
- Proposed Istanbul GE courses
- Streamline the GE assessment process.
- Other Business
November 2, 2010
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of October 19, 2010
- MU 121 Submission Form, Syllabus, Presentation Guide
- POL 108 Submission Form, Syllabus
- Developing GE area SLOs for Thinking Historically
Goal: provide information update. Greg Spencer - Developing SLOs for Research
Goal: provide information update. Frank Percival - WASC Retreat: Best practices in GE assessment
Goal: provide information update. Tatiana Nazarenko
Rubric for evaluating GE assessment - Streamline the GE assessment process. Entire GEC
- Other Business
October 19, 2010
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of October 5, 2010
- RS 180 Submission Form, Syllabus
- SLOs for Reading Imaginative Literature
Goal: review and approve. Entire GEC - GE Policies and Procedures
Goal: review and submit to the ASRC. - GE and Academic Senate
Goal: Information Update. Tatiana Nazarenko - Streamline the GE assessment process.
- Other business
October 5, 2010
- Prayer
- Review and approve Minutes of September 21, 2010
- Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning Interpretive Statement
Goal: review and approve - POL 104 Submission Form, Syllabus
Goal: review and approve - SLOs for Reading Imaginative Literature
Goal: discuss and provide feedback - SLOs for Biblical and Theological Canons courses
Goal: provide information update. Tatiana Nazarenko - Streamline the GE assessment process.
- Other business
September 21, 2010
- Prayer
- Review Minutes of September 7, 2010
- Developing GE area SLOs for Understanding Society
Goal: provide information updates. Greg Spencer - Developing SLOs for Research
Goal: provide information updates. Frank Percival - Developing GE area SLOs for Reading Imaginative Literature
Goal: provide information updates. Thomas Jayawardene - SLOs for Biblical and Theological Canons and World History in Christian Perspective
Goal: provide information updates. Tatiana Nazarenko - POL 104 Submission Form, Syllabus, Instructions for Judicial Brief Reviews, Sample Attorney Brief, Simulation - Brief and Opinion Format, Simulation - Cases and Statutes Research Guide, Simulation- Facts and Issue, Simulation Directions
- Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning Interpretive Statement
Goal: discuss and approve. Entire GEC - Streamline the GE assessment process. Entire GEC
- Other business
September 7, 2010
- Prayer
- Review of Committee duties
Goal: understand the role and responsibilities of the committee Goal: discuss the specific tasks before us this year and the responsibilities delegated to individual committee members.
- MU 121: Submission Form, Syllabus, Presentation Guide
- MU 123: Submission Form, Syllabus
- Review/edit/approval of existing draft SLOs
- Other Business
April 22, 2010
- Review minutes of April 8
- Review of drafts of area SLOs.
- Life Science
- Understanding Society
- Review/edit/approval of existing draft SLOs
- Review data from senior GE survey
April 8, 2010
- Review of drafts of area SLOs.
- Life Science
- Understanding Society
- Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning
- Review/edit/approval of existing draft SLOs
March 25, 2010
- Review
- ENG 142 (PP) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- ART 015 (PIA) (Submission form, Rationale, Syllabus)
- Proposed Senior Survey
- Review of drafts of area SLOs.
- Life Science
- Understanding Society
- Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning
- Modern Language
- Review/edit/approval of existing draft SLOs
March 4, 2010
- Review
- ENG 142 (PP) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- Proposed Senior Survey
- Review of drafts of area SLOs.
- Integrating the Major Discipline
- Life Science
- Understanding Society
- Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning
- Review/edit/approval of existing draft SLOs
February 4, 2010
- Review
- COM 138 (TG) (Proposal)
- Review Revised GE Mission Statement
- Discussion of questions to be addressed in GE Program Review Report
- Review of drafts of area SLOs.
- Integrating the Major Discipline
- Life Science
- Understanding Society
- Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning
- Review/approval of existing draft SLOs
January 21, 2010
- AN 198 (R) (Submission form, Research Guide)
- KNS 040 (US) (Memo, Form & Syllabus)
- Review of drafts of area SLOs.
- Integrating the Major Discipline
- Research/Productions and Presentations
- Plan for draft area SLOs.
- Life Science
- Understanding Society
- Quantitative and Analytical Reasoning
- Review Revised GE Mission Statement
- Plan Senior Survey (Past survey)
- Review/approval of existing draft SLOs
December 3, 2009
- Review minutes of November 12
- Set meeting time for spring
- GE 2009 Assessment Update
- Revised CLA Report
- Review/approval of existing draft SLOs
- Review of drafts of area SLOs.
- Integrating the Major Discipline
- Research/Productions and Presentations
November 12, 2009
- Review
- RS 125 (WI) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- RS 113 (SS) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- Review of initial drafts of area SLOs.
- Writing
- Integrating the Major Discipline
- Research/Productions and Presentations
- GE 2009 Assessment Update
- Review/approval of existing draft SLOs
- Revised CLA Report
October 29 , 2009
- Review
- TA 122 (TH) (Submission form, Syllabus, Outcomes, Committee Response, Response)
- POL/KNS 141 (US) (Submission form, Syllabus, Revised Syllabus, Sample Presentation)
- MU 123 (PIA) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- RS 150 (IMD) (Form 1, Syllabus 1, Form 2 , Syllabus 2)
- Review of initial drafts of area SLOs.
- Writing
- Integrating the Major Discipline
- Research/Productions and Presentations
- Review/approval of existing draft SLOs
- Revised GE Mission Statement
- Revised CLA Report
- Review of documents from consultant (Alignment of multiple documents, Benchmark approval)
- Area reports (Thinking Globally, Reasoning Abstractly, Serving Society)
- Discussion of Physical Science cohort responses (Rubric)
- Discussion of Life Science cohort responses (Rubric)
October 15 , 2009
- Review
- TA 122 (TH) (Submission form, Syllabus, Outcomes)
- 2010 Asia Mayterm (TG, SS) (Submission form, Syllabus and Outcomes)
- POL/KNS 141 (US) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- Review of GE delisting procedure
- Review of initial drafts of area SLOs.
October 8, 2009
- Review
- RS 125 (WI) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- COM 195 (Mayterm) (SS) (Submission form & syllabus, Dunn Memo )
- Thailand Art (PIA) (Submission form & Syllabus, CV)
- Orvieto (WI) (Memo, Syllabus)
- MA 004 (QAR) (Submission form, Memo, Syllabus)
- Review of initial drafts of area SLOs.
- Review of documents from consultant (, GE Alignment, Benchmark approval)
September 17, 2009
- Review
- RS 107 (TG,CC, -WI, -IMD) (Submission form, Syllabus, Memo)
- RS 158 (TG) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- Glenn Town Memo
September 3, 2009
- Review
- Planning for year (2009-2010 Tasks)
- CLA report (To faculty, , Local option questions)
- Review of documents from consultant (, GE Alignment, Benchmark approval)
April 20, 2009
- Review
- EB 192 (PP) (Follow up memo, Submission form, Syllabus)
- REJ APP 192 (SS) (Submission form, Syllabus, Schedule, APP 192 specifications )
- RS 107 (TG, -WI, -IMD) (Submission form, Syllabus, Memo)
- COM 127 (SS) (Submission form & syllabus )
- COM 195 (Mayterm) (SS) (Submission form & syllabus)
- CS 050 (PR) (Submission form, Syllabus, Memo)
- Pacific Rim-Mandarin (FL) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- Pacific Rim-Hist,Cult & Phil (TG, CC) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- RS 158 (TG) (Submission form, Syllabus)
March 30, 2009 (Meeting Cancelled, but review cohort responses)
- Review
- Discussion of World History in Christian Perspective cohort responses (Rubric)
- Initial consideration of Reading Imaginative Literature cohort responses (Rubric)
March 9, 2009
- Review
- MA 005 Revisited (not RA) (Memo, Original Note, RA Courses, RA enrollment, Statistics as Prereq, MA 005 by major, Response memo)
- Discussion of ratings of Philosophical Reflections cohort responses (Rubric)
- Feedback on draft RS area objectives
- EB 192 (PP) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- ED Language Request (ML) (Memo)
- Initial consideration of World History in Christian Perspective cohort responses (Rubric)
February 23, 2009
- Review
- Discussion of ratings of RS 20 responses (Rubric)
- MA 005 Revisited (not RA) (Memo, Original Note, RA Courses, RA enrollment, Statistics as Prereq, MA 005 by major, Response memo)
- SOC 107 (QAR, RA) (Submission memo)
- Music Major (PIA) (Submission memo)
- TA 121 (TH) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- Initial consideration of Philosophical Reflections cohort responses (Rubric)
February 9, 2009
- Review
- Discussion of ratings of cohort responses OT (Rubric)
- TA 001 (PIA) (Form, Syllabus)
- RS 1000 (SS) (Form, Syllabus1, Syllabus2)
- MA 005 (not RA) (Memo, Original Note )
- Initial consideration of cohort RS 20 responses.
January 26, 2009
- Review
- MA 008 (QAR) (Form & Syllabus)
- RS 107 (IMD, WI) (Form, eMail, Syllabus) )
- Off-campus Music (TH) (Note 1, Syllabus1, Syllabus, Note 2)
- Review of cohort responses OT
December 10, 2008
- Review
- CCA I: Research Petition (Note from S. Penksa, Petition and Paper)
- RS 159 ( TG) (Form, Syllabus)
- Review of cohort responses NT
November 5, 2008
- Review
- RS 104 (WI) (Form, Syllabus)
- RS 131 (IMD) (Form, Note, Syllabus)
- RS 139 (TG) (Form, Note, Syllabus)
- Learning Objectives Review
- Physical Science
- Philosophical Perspectives
- Review of cohort responses NT
October 29, 2008
- Review
- POL 124 (tg) (note)
- Political Science Writing Intensive (Memo, POL 131 syl, POL 131 a, POL 131b,
POL 130 syl, POL 130a, POL 130b) - Review draft General Education Mission Statement
- Learning Objectives Review
- Physical Science
- Serving Society; Enacting Justice
- Discussion of cohort spring 2008 summary responses. (Continued)
October 22, 2008
- Review
- TA 126 (PP) (note, Form, Syllabus)
- TA 122 (TH) (Form, Syllabus)
- Discussion of Annual Assessment Update (draft) (Continued)
- Discussion of cohort spring 2008 summary responses. (Continued)
October 15, 2008
- Review
- MUA 171/183 -SS (SS) (Note, Syllabus insert, Syllabus)
- Discussion of Annual Assessment Update (draft)
- Review of cohort spring 2008 summary responses.
October 8, 2008
- Review
- MU 123 ( PIA, TG) (Form, Syllabus, Student Report)
- TA 126 (PP) (Form, Syllabus)
- Asia Mayterm (TG) (Form, Overview, Asia Seminar, Human Trafficking Seminar)
- Discussion of Annual Assessment Update (draft)
October 1, 2008
- Review
- Update RS 104 (TH) (Note)
- PSY 150 (TG) (Note, Syllabus)
- Potter's Clay Proposal (SS) (Form, Syllabus, Vita)
- ART 129 (PP) (Form, Syllabus, Project)
- MU 123 ( PIA, TG) (Form, Syllabus, Student Report)
- Discussion of Annual Assessment Update (draft)
September 24, 2008
- Review minutes of September 17
- RS 104 (TH) (Form, Syllabus)
- PSY 150 (TG, CCC) (Form, Syllabus, Itinerary, Note)
- Potter's Clay Proposal (SS) (Form, Syllabus, Vita)
- ART 129 (PP) (Form, Syllabus, Project)
- Discussion of Annual Assessment Update (See prior meeting)
September 17, 2008
- Review
- MU 123 (PIA, TG) (Form, Syllabus, Student Report)
- RS 104 (TH) (Form, Syllabus)
- PSY 150 (TG, CCC) (Form, Syllabus, Itinerary, Note)
- Discussion of Annual Assessment Update (See prior meeting)
September 3, 2008
- Review
- Orvieto Language Recommendation
- CS 050 (Phil Reflect) (Form, Syllabus, Addendum, Support)
- MU 123 (PIA, TG) (Form, Syllabus, Student Report)
- 2008 Annual Assessment Update (draft)
April 24, 2008
- Change in Orvieto language offerings.
- Political Science Writing Intensive (Memo, POL 131 syl, POL 131a, POL 131b,
POL 130 syl, POL 130a, POL 130b) - HIS 010H (WI) (Form, Syllabus, Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, Sample 4, Sample 5, Sample 6)
- Wrap up on year's assessment work
April 3, 2008
- POL 030 (PR) (Memo, Syllabus, Papers, Text Outline)
- EB 191 (WI) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- Discussion of revised Thinking Globally language and learning outcomes.
- GE Course Statistics
- Courses with suffixes
- Update on assessment work
March 27, 2008
- Review of modified GE language
- Discussion of Overarching GE Goals and Assessment Plan
- Update on program review progress
- HIS 195: Witchcraft (WI, TH) (Submission form, Syllabus, Letter of support)
- Shakespeare in Production (PIA) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- TA 111: Acting III (PP) (Submission form, Syllabus)
- GE Course Statistics
March 6, 2008
- Review minutes of
- ED 105: Perspectives on Cultural Diversity (WI)
(Submission Form, Syllabus, Note, eval form1, eval form2, eval form 3) - Review status of GE assessment projects
- Sample learning objectives and rubrics
Feb. 28, 2008
- Review
- RS 155: Geography, History, and Religions of the Holy Land (TH, TG) (Submission form)
- TA 001: Great Literature of the Stage (RIL) (Submission form, chair support)
- TA 120: Theatre History I (TH) (Submission form)
- TA 121: Theatre History II (TH) (Submission form)
Feb. 14, 2008
- Review of
- Discussion of GE assessment presentation to faculty
- Discussion of GE presentation at Orientation
- Check in on assessment assignments
- Major honors as writing-intensive
- CS 005: Fundamentals of Computing (QAR)
- RS 155: Geography, History, and Religions of the Holy Land (TH, TG) (Submission form)
Jan. 31, 2008
- Review of
- Update on Potter’s Clay proposal
- ED 105: Perspectives on Cultural Diversity (Submission Form, Syllabus, Rubric, Evaluation1, Evaluation2 )
- Check in on assessment assignments.
Jan. 24, 2008
- Review of
- Request for P/NC grading in Bio Practica
- HIS 171: Colonial and Revolutionary America (Syllabus)
- HIS 195: Latin America/U.S. Relations (Syllabus)
- Potter’s Clay proposal (Submission Form, Syllabus)
- Check in on assessment assignments.
Jan. 17, 2008
- Discussion of approach to petitions for credit for courses not submitted for GE Approval.
- Review of Schedule of Reviews 2008-01.
- Assignments for spring 2008.
- Discuss possibility of Jan. 24 forum presentation.
Dec. 6, 2007
- Approve minutes of November 15, 2007.
- Review of 2007 Annual Report.
- Check in on assessment activities.
Nov. 15, 2007
- Approve .
- Resubmission of MA/CS 190 (SubForm, syllabus)
- Think about review schedule (Tentative, partial Schedule of Reviews)
Nov. 8, 2007
- Resubmission of Microfinance in China (Syllabus)
- Review of ENG 44 (Syllabus)
- Revision of Thinking Globally prompt.
- Checkup on progress toward area assessment.
Nov. 1, 2007
- Approve minutes of .
- Resubmission of IS 070 (Submission Form, Syllabus)
- MA 190SS (Submission Form, Syllabus)
- Microfinance in China (Submission Form, Mayterm Proposal, Syllabus)
- Checkup on progress toward area assessment.
Oct. 25, 2007
- Consider approving POL 030 through Mayterm.
- Review draft memo to Thinking Globally faculty.
- Review draft General Education Objectives
- Review outline of Assessment Report
For reference, here is last year’s Assessment Report.
Oct. 11, 2007
- Approve minutes of .
- Discuss results of Thinking Globally assessments.
Oct. 4, 2007
- Approve minutes of .
- IS 70 (Submission Form, Syllabus)
- Review new rubric and definitions.
- Inter-rater reliability training.
- Rating Assignments
Sept. 27, 2007
Preparatory Activities.
- Prepare expanded rubric section.
- Make appointment to discuss GE area review with appropriate departments.
- Approve minutes of .
- Review of progress on term assignments.
- Review new rubric definitions.
- Inter-rater reliability training.
- Rating Assignments
Sept. 20, 2007
- India Mayterm (Submission Form1, Submission Form2, Submission Form3, Syllabus Encountering Hinduism, Syllabus Mission and Social Action)
- HIS 195 (Submission Form, Course Description)
- Wealth & Poverty in Christian History (Submission Form, Syllabus, contacts)
- Inter-rater reliability training
- Rating Assignments
- Review of term tasks
Sept. 13, 2007 (MG 2)
Preparatory Activities.
- Review and rate the Thinking Globally Essay.
- Read Middle East Studies Program Objectives (below)
- Read cohort personal experience and peer Comment essays (link below) Make note of important themes and issues.
- Review .
- ART 141: Crafts (, Note)
- Middle East Studies Program (for Communicating Cross-Culturally)
- Discussion of cohort responses.
- Discussion of CLA data.
- Inter-rater reliability training.
Sept. 6, 2007 (MG 2)
- Approve minutes of April 25.
- Outline of the year’s activities.
- Creation Care Program (New Zealand) (Syllabus, Note)
- BIO 190/191: Practica (Cover & Syllabus)
- RS 113: New Testament Theology & Ethics (Syllabus)
- ART 141: Crafts (, Note)
- Inter-rater reliability training.