
About Institutes and Centers

Dive into °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp's institutes and centers, hubs of innovation and research, where students collaborate with faculty on cutting-edge projects spanning diverse disciplines. From the Gaede Institute for the Liberal Arts to the Eaton Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, these dynamic spaces empower students to explore their passions and drive positive change in the world.

Eaton Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Eaton Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is a student-centric environment where we explore the often-challenging intersection of faith, learning and business. 

Gaede Institute for the Liberal Arts

The Gaede Institute hosts scholarly conversation on the present and future of the liberal arts, promotes educational access for underserved populations, and fosters interdisciplinary contact between faculty and students.

Goble Center for Global Learning

The Goble Center expands °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp’s off-campus programs, implement the college’s unique Cycle of Global Learning, and encourage all students to benefit from study abroad and cross-cultural experiences.

Hughes Center for Neuroscience and Leadership

Helping leaders develop emotional intelligence and qualities such as empathy and human rapport.

Martin Institute for Christianity and Culture

The Martin Institute for Christianity and Culture is dedicated to placing an enduring emphasis on spiritual formation with a particular focus on the path of authentic transformation as an interactive, loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Montecito Institute

The Montecito Institute provides a world-class executive education for leaders from a variety of fields and nations. 

Mosher Center

The Center will seek to influence a national dialogue on the critical significance of moral and ethical leadership.

Center for Social Entrepreneurship

Located in Santa Barbara’s vibrant downtown corridor, the Center for Social Entrepreneurship hosts a range of interdisciplinary and innovative initiatives and programs in social change, problem solving, and community engagement.

Center for Applied Technology

Student researchers create solutions through technology that help shape the °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp experience and serve the admissions and advancement offices.

°µÍø±¬ÁÏapp Center for Dialogue and Deliberation

A °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp initiative that works with neighbors to speak and listen well together about challenges facing the Santa Barbara community for our common good and human flourishing.

Women's Leadership Council

The Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) of °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp seeks to recognize and empower women. Through this council, women in our community—professors, staff members, alumnae, friends and students—will create a tradition of female leadership and support at the college.