
Music Juries

Private lesson jury exams will be conducted during finals week each semester. These ten-minute jury exams are the equivalent of final examinations for private instruction and will provide an opportunity for the music faculty at large to engage each student who is taking private lessons. The jury for these exams will consist of two or more music faculty members. All students taking private lessons will be required to perform before the faculty jury. Beginning students, or others who face extenuating circumstances, may be excused from performing before the jury with permission (in writing) of the department chair (the student’s private instructor must make this request of the department chair on the student’s behalf). Students who performed as a soloist in the concerto concert or who performed a junior/senior recital, will be exempt from the jury related to that instrument, for that semester. Private lesson composition students, preparatory piano students and conducting students do not need to sign up for juries.

  1. The jury schedule and forms are posted online at the music department website.
  2. It is the student's responsibility to arrange for an accompanist for the jury, if needed.
  3. Students should dress appropriately and observe proper decorum when performing for the jury.
  4. Use of printed music in (jury exams) recitals is at the discretion of the student's private instructor.