
Music Colloquium

Recitals are an important way to develop performance and listening skills, gain exposure to a broad range of music and support each other as Christian musicians. Colloquia provide opportunities for music faculty and students to meet on a regular basis to explore issues of common interest.


  1. Scheduled Tuesdays at 12:10 p.m. to 12:50 P.M. throughout the semester.
  2. All private students are expected to attend at least seven (7) colloquia/recitals. All music majors, music minors and those in 2-unit lessons are expected to attend all the colloquia/recitals.
  3. Unless it is their first semester in lessons, in consultation with their private teacher, all private students are expected to perform once a semester in colloquium. 
  4. Students should dress appropriately and observe proper decorum when performing in recitals.
  5. Use of printed music in colloquia/recitals is at the discretion of the student's private instructor.
  6. Program information for the colloquia/recitals needs to be submitted via our online form by midnight on the Tuesday preceding the colloquium/recital (One week in advance.) It is the student's responsibility to furnish the appropriate information to the department secretary. The order of the recital program will be determined by the department secretary in consultation with music faculty. In the event that the program for the recital appears too long, performances may be rescheduled to the following week.

Friday Afternoon Musicale

Need more practice performing in front of a live audience? Try signing up for the Friday Afternoon Musical by clicking the link below. All Recitals are at Voskyl Library on Fridays for 1/2 hour between 3:30-4:00pm. Please submit the recital program form on Friday at 5pm, a week prior to your performance day. Please note that incomplete or late forms will not be included in the program.