
Facility Use Info

  • The Music Building is open 24/7 except on Holiday breaks.
  • Practice rooms will be unlocked during the day for use.
  • No keys will be issued to students.
  • Water is allowed in practice rooms. Please do not set water bottles on pianos.
  • No food or drinks allowed in any practice rooms or teaching studios, but you are welcome to eat on the front deck or by the table and chairs on the lawn.
  • Windows may be opened but must be shut before you leave the room. Windows left open over night could cause severe damage to the pianos.
  • Cellists must use their rock-stop at all times to prevent damage to the floor.
  • Please turn off the lights before you leave the practice rooms.
  • If you remove a chair or stand from a room, please return it to the room from which you borrowed it.
  • For reasons of safety and liability, students may not block practice room windows.
  • Please do not lean on the cloth-covered, sound-absorbing boards in the rehearsal and practice rooms. The fiberglass boards will crack if undue pressure is placed on them. Each panel cost an extraordinary amount and will be very expensive to replace if damaged.
  • Bookshelves are located in practice rooms. Please set music, backpacks, and books here and not on the pianos.
  • Keep the lid clear and clean at all times. Food, drink, coats, instrument cases, etc. cause damage and do not belong on the pianos.
  • Never remove the piano or bench from this room. You could hurt yourself as well as do damage to the pianos.
  • Pen and pencil marks can scratch the finish. Never write on paper that has direct contact with the piano. Certainly, never write on the surface of the pianos!
  • Always keep the key cover up, even when the piano is not in use. This allows the air to circulate and helps to prevent sticking keys.
  • While cleaning, use a soft, clean cloth that is dry or slightly damp with water only. No cleaning solutions or polishing compounds.
  • Kitchen use is available to faculty and staff use only.
  • Please wash and dry any dishes used from the kitchen cabinet.
  • Food in refrigerator must be labeled or will be thrown out at the end of each week.
  • Keep microwave clean, wiping down after use if necessary.
  • Storage lockers are available to be checked out.
  • Please see the music office to obtain a locker.
  • Space is extremely limited, so we can only accommodate large instruments when absolutely necessary. 
  • The Music Department takes no responsibility for the security or safety of instruments left out.
  • Students may reserve a practice room for 1 hour per day per credit of lesson time.
    • 1-unit Private Lesson = 7 hours per week
    • 2-unit Private Lesson = 14 hours per week
  • Students may " stack" hours on certain days. So, a student taking a 1-credit lesson may reserve 2 hours on a Sunday night and 5 hours on Thursday.
  • Use of the practice rooms are prioritized as follows:
  1. Adjunct Instructors teaching °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp students
  2. °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp students with room reservations
  3. °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp students who are enrolled for private instruction practicing without a room reservation
  4. Adjunct instructors teaching non-°µÍø±¬ÁÏapp students
  5. °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp students teaching their own private students
  6. °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp students who are not enrolled for private instruction
  7. All others

Please defer the use of a room graciously when asked by someone higher up on the priority list when asked.