Potter's Clay Safety
Being PC on PC
That is, P-lenty C-areful on P-otter's C-lay
For information about the Potter's Clay spring break ministry program, click here.
Travel Safety
Click here for information about how °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp is managing the risks with regard to media reports about travel safety in Baja California.
Potter's Clay relies upon the generosity of those who are willing to entrust to God the use of their personal vehicle for the program. Nearly all vehicles make it down and back just fine, but due to the unfamiliar setting we have observed a slightly elevated incidence of "fender bender" collisions in Mexico. Click here for a brief summary of some of the insurance factors involved in deciding about sending a vehicle.
Click here for the best ways to reach us in case of emergency while in Mexico.
"Lost Prevention"
Getting to Ensenada and to the many ministry sites can be a challenge in unfamiliar territory.
Click here for directions you can download ahead of time to your smartphone or tablet.
Because these video materials are copyrighted, the link from here is password protected when accessed from off campus. If you are associated with the Potter's Clay ministry, you can request the password by sending an email using this link.