
The 6 Primary Elements of Condition 9 Traffic Conditions Summarized

Condition 9 of the CUP comprises six primary elements related to the management of traffic on Cold Spring Rd (CSR).

A. Prior to the commencement of Phase 1 construction °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp was required to install permanent vehicle counters. One was installed below the lower campus entrance, and the other on CSR beyond La Paz Rd. The difference in counts between those two points (except for the several private driveways between them) represents the traffic generated by the college.

B. During each Traffic Count Year (which runs from graduation one year to the last day of finals for the following year) we will count trips for both Semester Weekdays and All Other Days.

C. The counts for each month will be posted on this website, along with the cumulative year-to-date average in each category. We wil also report our counts to County Planning three times per year, iincluding a final annual report.

D. This table summarizes the limitations on Average Daily Trips (ADTs) applicable to °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp's traffic on CSR. (For additional details on these limitations, click here and tap to open the "TRAFFIC Condition 9" panel, then scroll down to see the full text of Section D in Condition 9.)

Average Daily Trip Limitations
Period Type Time Frame Limitation During Construction
  Initially 3,418 3,718
Semester Weekdays Thru Phase 1, Part 1 3,458 3,758
  After Phase 1 completed 3,500 3,800
All Other Days Ongoing 2,500 2,650

E. We will not qualify for approval of our Land Use Permits unless we have kept traffic below the thresholds for both of the two years preceding our application for the permit--except that for the first phase the time is measured from the start of the data collection.

F. Penalties for failing to meet the standards can include: extension of the required time between construction phases; institution of a Transportation Demand Management program; limitation on the number of parking permits issued; and so on.

Click here and tap to open the "TRAFFIC Condition 9" panel to see the full text of Condition 9.