
Mayterm on Campus

Short-term May Housing for Athletes/Summer abroad participants

Summer at Ocean View

Mayterm & Summer Housing Overview 

**°µÍø±¬ÁÏapp often undertakes a number of construction/renovation projects during Mayterm and Summer in OV--there may be significant noise and disruption during this time!!**

There are two types of summer housing; each type is for specific purposes.

  1. Housing on campus during the Mayterm period is normally in Page Hall.
  2. Housing at the off campus Ocean View Apartments for the Summer period (May to early August).

On campus during Mayterm 

Campus housing in Page during Mayterm is only available to students who are in one of these categories:

  1. Enrolled in at least 1 "in-person" Mayterm course (see ); or,
  2. Participating in a °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp summer study abroad course/program (see Short-term housing); or,
  3. Approved by their head coach to participate in extended intercollegiate athletics (see Short-term housing).

NOTE: Students who decide to reside off campus in their own housing and commute to campus for Mayterm do NOT need to make any official arrangement with the Housing Office!

Summer in Ocean View

Housing at Ocean View may be requested by any current °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp student. for Summer OV housing are not reviewed until early April in order to allow faculty and staff an opportunity to complete the summer student hiring process. Priority is given to student researchers, international students, and student summer employees (job on campus). This is for the entire summer (no partial stays with the exception of researchers).