
Eligible employees will be paid up to three days in the event of a death of an immediate family member.  Immediate family includes an employee’s parent, spouse’s parent, legal guardian, brother, sister, spouse, child, grandparent and grandchildren.

Hourly employees should mark bereavement time taken with a “B” in the “Other” column on their timecards and note the relationship to the deceased on the back of the timecard.

Salary employees should report bereavement leave on the monthly Paid-Time-Off reports.

See related page on .

Occasionally, employees will be called to report back to work after their regular shift.  Hourly employees who are called will be paid for actual hours worked, but not less than three hours per occasion.  To record Call In time, the additional time worked should be entered on the timecard for that pay period with the notation “Call In Time.”

Hourly employees who receive work related phone calls during non-working hours, and are asked to respond to them, but not to physically report to work, will be compensated for this time as regular work time.  Hourly employees will be paid for actual time spent in responding, but not less than 15 minutes for each response.  Such work time should be entered on the timecard for that pay period with the notation that the work was performed while away from campus (i.e. home) during non-working hours.

See related page on .

Eligible employees may use up to one half their annual sick leave eligibility to care for a sick parent, child or spouse, within a calendar year.

To record Dependent Care leave, hourly employees should mark the hours in the “Sick” column on their timecard and designate them with a “D” in the “Other” column.

Salary employees should report Dependent Care leave to their Vice-President’s Administrative Assistant monthly.

Staff and Faculty can view their Direct Deposit stubs on . Pay information can be viewed on pay date by using your app email user name and password. Printed copies of stubs will be provided upon written request. 

When requested, printed Direct Deposit stubs are available in the Campus Post Office at 2 pm on the applicable payday.  Faculty and Staff will receive these stubs in their department's mail pouch.  Student employees will receive theirs in their mailboxes.

Direct Deposit Authorization Form

app rewards employee service and achievement in many ways, both through individual departments and through campus recognition programs.  The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines and procedures related to the taxability of these gifts.  Per IRS regulation, all taxable gifts, prizes, and awards are subject to federal, state and other employment taxes, and will be included on Form W2 the year the gifts, prizes and awards are presented.  Taxable Fringe Benefit Guide, Section 17, Page 67    IRC 74; IRC 3121(a)(20)

For detail information about various types of gifts and awards, and the process of awarding them, please visit here.

Employee Gifts and Awards Form

Regular Full Time and Regular Part Time hourly employees will be paid straight time based on their normal work schedules on days designated as holidays.

Temporary employees are generally not eligible for holiday pay.

Student employees are not eligible for holiday pay during the school year, and are eligible during the summer months only if they are scheduled to work a minimum of 32 hours a week for a minimum of twelve weeks between May and August.  Additionally, they must be normally scheduled to work on the day designated as a holiday and they must actually work their schedule.

Employees who are eligible for holiday pay and who work on a holiday will be paid for the hours they work as well as the holiday hours.  If they work less than their normal scheduled work hours, the hours not worked will be paid as regular holiday pay.  For example an employee who is normally scheduled to work 8 hours a day and on the holiday works 5 hours will receive 5 regular hours and 8 hours of holiday pay.  Hours worked in excess of 8 on a holiday will be paid at the normal overtime rate.  For example an employee who works 10 hours on a holiday and is normally scheduled for an 8 hour work day will receive 8 regular hours, 8 holiday hours and 2 hours at time and a half.

See related page on .

All Regular employees are eligible for full pay for the time they are called to report for and serve on jury duty, up to 80 hours per trial.  Students and Temporary employees are not eligible for Jury Duty Pay.

Hourly employees should mark jury duty time taken with a “J” in the “Other” column on their timecards.  They also must attach the “Confirmation of Appearance” form (not the summons card) provided by the courts as evidence of having appeared to serve on a jury.  Salaried staff and Faculty should also turn in this court provided form to the Payroll Office for proper record keeping.

Employees are expected to report to work for as much of the day as possible each day they are called to serve on jury duty.  Employees may keep any payment that is given to them by the courts.

See related page on .

Registered students who are non-residents may be hired to work on campus but are subject to be taxed on the federal Non-Residence Aliens (NRA) tax withholding rate, as well as the California state tax rate.  It will be the responsibility of the individual employee to file and pay any applicable taxes.  Non-residents of the state of California will have taxes withheld based on California tax tables. Non-Resident-Alien are required to complete their W-4 forms as follow:

  • Not claim exemption from income tax withholding.
  • Request withholding as if they are single, regardless of their actual marital status.
  • Claim only 1 allowance (if the NRA is a resident of Canada, Mexico, or Korea, he or she may claim more than 1 allowance).
  • Write “Nonresident Alien” or “NRA” above the dotted line on line 6 of the W-4 form.

International student employees are restricted to work no more than 20 hours per week while classes are in session, and no more than 40 hours per week during breaks.  Overtime hours are not allowed at any time.

Hourly staff will be paid at a rate of 1½ times the regular rate of pay for the following:

  • time worked in excess of 8 hours in one day,
  • time worked in excess of 40 hours in one workweek, and
  • the first 8 hours worked on the seventh consecutive day of work in a given workweek.

Hours paid for vacation, jury duty, sick time, personal hours, dependent care or bereavement leave will not be considered hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime pay. Holiday pay is considered as time worked when computing overtime pay.

(Source: CA AB 60 )

Hourly staff will be paid for hours worked in excess of 12 hours in one day, as well as hours worked in excess of 8 hours on the seventh consecutive day of work in a given workweek at a rate of twice the regular rate of pay of an hourly employee.

(Source: )

Under state law, app is not allowed to offer compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay but does allow

make-up-time under certain guidelines.


Paycheck stubs will be distributed by the Campus Post Office at 2pm on the applicable payday. Paychecks cannot be picked up early.

Staff and Faculty can view their paycheck stubs on on paydate by using your app email user name and password.

Faculty and Staff paychecks will be placed in their department’s mail pouch.  Student paychecks will be placed in their mailboxes.



Payday is on Thursday bi-weekly alternating between Students and Hourly Staff.  If Thursday is a school holiday, payday will be the workday preceding the holiday.  Payday for Faculty and Salary Staff is on a semi-monthly basis, on the 15th and the last day of the month.  If the 15th or the last day of the month is a school holiday or the weekend, payday will be the workday preceding the holiday or the weekend.

The deadline for timecards to be turned in to the Payroll Office is 12 noon on the Monday preceding the Thursday paydate unless otherwise specified due to a holiday or special circumstance. .

The deadline for any paperwork affecting the Payroll (i.e. Payroll Change Form, W-4, DE-4, Direct Deposit Form, Payroll Reduction Form, Retirement Form, Deduction Request) is 5 business days prior to the pay date.

Personal hours are to be used by hourly employees for events such as doctor’s appointments, teacher’s conferences or meetings that cannot be scheduled outside of normal work hours or lunch periods.

Beginning in September, all eligible hourly employees will receive 4 personal hours each quarter, for a maximum accumulation of 16 hours per Paid-Time-Off year.  The available hours are listed on the employee’s pay stub, as well as on Web Advisor under “Leave Plan Summary” and should be referred to prior to taking time off.

Personal hours are to be used in increments between 30 minutes to 4 hours in one day.  They may not be used as vacation or used in conjunction with vacation time.

At the end of August, all unused personal hours will be forfeited and the employee will start over in September with 4 hours.

The state of California requires that employers allow employees with children in grades 1-12 to take up to 40 hours per school year of unpaid leave for school conferences and visits, provided that reasonable advance notice and supporting documentation are given to the employee's supervisor. Eligible staff may take vacation leave, unpaid leave, and/or up to 16 hours per year of accumulated personal leave for this purpose, assuming the use adheres to the guidelines above.

Employees eligible for Shift Differential should record all the hours they work on their timecard and then highlight those hours to which a shift differential is to be applied.

Shift Differentials are included in the calculated gross amount, under "Current Earnings" on the paystubs.

Sick leave is to be used for legitimate personal illness or non-work related injury that prevents an employee from working. It may also be used for dental/medical appointments after personal hours have been exhausted and may be used in increments of 30 minutes to 8 hours per day. 

All Hourly Employees who are eligible for sick leave will be paid for sick time as recorded on their timecard up to the amount they have previously accrued.  Employees are not allowed to use more than they have accrued.  Sick leave cannot be used to extend vacation, holidays or for any other paid time-off purpose.

Salaried Staff must report sick leave taken to their Vice-President’s secretary on a monthly basis.

Up to one-half of the annual sick leave accrual that is available may be used each calendar year to care for a sick or injured member of the employee's family including parent, child or spouse.

Sick Leave may be carried forward, in its entirety, to the next academic year.  All unused Sick Leave will be forfeited upon termination of employment.

To coordinate sick leave with State Disability or Worker’s Compensation, the employee should notify Human Resources and complete all of the necessary paperwork.

Student timecards are completed online, then printed for appropriate signatures.  To get to the student timecard screen, type  in the browser and follow the instructions.   In the event of computer malfunction, manual timecards are available in the Payroll Office.

Hourly staff timecards are pre-printed with name and account information and provided to the employee every other Friday.  Those employees who do not receive a pre-printed timecard through campus mail should request a blank timecard from the Payroll Office.  Instructions for completing the timecard are on the back of the timecard.

Salaried staff is not required to complete a timecard.

Time cards may be submitted by placing in the time card slot located outside of the Payroll Office at Kerrwood Hall. Please check the pay schedules for due date and time.

Travel Time Card

Additional  for Hourly Staff when they have to travel for app.


Travel Time Pay

app will pay hourly employees who travel out of town on college business with an overnight stay as follows:

  • If taking public transportation, the employee should record on their timecard the time they arrive at the airport, train or bus terminal until the time they arrive at their hotel less any meal breaks or personal side trips.
  • If driving, the employee should record all hours from the time they begin the trip until the time they arrive at their hotel less any meal breaks or personal side trips.

app will pay hourly employees who travel for the college on day trips as follows:

  • If taking public transportation, the employee should record on their timecard all hours from the time they arrive at the airport, train or bus terminal to depart until the time they return to the original departure point less any meal breaks or personal side trips.
  • If driving, the employee should record all hours from the time they begin the trip until the time they return home less any meal breaks or personal side trips.

Hourly employees who are eligible for vacation pay will record vacation time taken on the vacation column of their timecard.  The minimum amount of vacation allowed in one day is 30 minutes and the maximum is 8 hours.  Vacation hours cannot be combined with other forms of paid time off on any given day.

Salaried employees will report vacation time taken to their Vice-President’s Administrative Assistant on a monthly basis.

Available vacation hours are listed on the employee’s pay stub, as well as on Web Advisor under “Leave Plan Summary”, and should be referred to prior to taking time off.  Employees are not allowed to go into the negative (borrow vacation from next year) without prior permission in writing from their Vice-President.

Please refer to HR's  for information on how vacation is earned and carried over to the following Paid-Time-Off year.

Upon leaving app’s employ, employees will be paid their remaining accrued vacation balance.  A negative vacation balance will be considered a pay advance, and as such, is subject to repayment to the college at the time of separation of employment.

app will provide Vacation Pay Advances to an employee based on the following guidelines:

  • The employee must have at least as much accrued vacation time available as is being requested in pay.
  • Vacation pay advances will only be provided in full day increments and be for a minimum of 5 days.
  • The request must be in writing and approved by the employee’s Vice-President and received by the Payroll office seven working days prior to the day the advance is needed.

The employee will receive, through Accounts Payable, a check equaling 90% of the net pay for the number of vacation days requested.  This amount will be deducted from the employee’s paychecks covering the vacation period taken.

W-4 forms are completed by the employee and used by the Payroll Office to determine tax withholding on wages.

A DE-4 form must be completed if State income tax withholding is to be different than the Federal income tax withholding.

Both forms are available outside the Business Office in Kerrwood Hall. They are also available online with the following links:

W-2 Forms, Wage and Tax Statements are available to view and print on Web Advisor, with employee's consent. This version is usually available by the second week of January, upon email notification from the Payroll Office. To complete the consent form, please log in to  for 'Employees' and click on 'W-2 Electronic Consent'. You can view and print W-2 forms starting with the year 2010.

Printed W-2 forms are mailed on January 31st of each year to employees' home address for those who withhold their consent.