Business Office Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
The very first step in setting up a Vendorlink account requires a new employee to follow the instructions below.
1) Go to and try to log in using your email log in (without the @) and email password.
2) You will receive a message saying“your account needs to be authenticated.”
3) After receiving the message, have your supervisor contact Debbie Price (, Carrie Hernandez ( or Joe Foster ( in the Business Office and we can set you up with access.
The next step, now that you have access, is to log on to Vendorlink.
The Vendorlink Login page is located at:
Your Login Name and Password are the same as your email login and password.
New Vendors
When processing a check request for a vendor that is new to your department, sign in to Vendorlink and search under "Other Vendor". Vendors are listed alphabetically. First search "All Vendors" using the drop down arrow. If your vendor is not listed, use "Search all people and organizations" by typing in the vendor's name. When a vendor is not found, use "Request new vendor..." and complete the screen giving name and address.
All new vendors must complete a form unless they are a current app student, staff or faculty. The completed form can be submitted to Debbie Price or faxed directly to the Business Office at 805-565-6137. Completed W9 forms must be received before any payments will be issued to the new vendor.
Changing Vendor Information
To change a vendor's name or address, when entering a check request, select the vendor and enter the new information into the "Note" section. If you are not processing a check request, please send an email with the new information to Debbie Price at
Business expense policy
Employees are expected to use sound judgment when incurring expense on behalf of the college. The expenses must serve to meet the needs of the college. The scope and nature of each employee’s decisions are commensurate with their assigned duties. It is expected that employees will honor the resources of the college in manner that demonstrates appreciation for the mission of the college, the scarcity of the resources to conduct the vast programs of the college, and the value received from donors and hard working families who pay the tuition and fees.
In addition to the expectation of sound judgment from the employees who originate expenditures, it is also expected that all other employees who authorize such expenditures also exercise scrutiny and good judgment. All parties are joined in accountability by their mutual actions. When questions arise it is imperative that dialogue and corrective action are set in place to prevent unnecessary or irresponsible use of college resources.
Spending authority
The level of spending authority is determined by the amount of the expenditure and always requires the collaboration of at least one person from the Business Office, but may require collaboration from other including department managers and/or a vice president. Expenditures of $25 or less, require only that a Business Office employee verify that an original receipt has been presented and that the nature of the expense appears to be for the benefit of the college. Expenditures exceeding $25 but less than $250 require that a department manager review the expenditure. For those exceeding $250, a vice president must authorize the expenditure. In all cases greater than $250, the Accounting Services Manager or the Controller must authorize the expenditure.
Methods of payment
The college pays most transactions using checks. To originate a check to a vendor or to an employee, a check request must be initiated using Vendorlink.
Checks are printed every Friday and are mailed no later than 2 pm. As an alternative to mailing the check via the US Postal service, Vendorlink permits the requestor to specify to hold the check for personal pick-up by a given employee at the Business Office, or to send it to a specified employee via campus mail. All Vendorlink requests must be authorized no later than 4 pm on Wednesday in order to be processed by Friday, two days later.
Original documentation
All expenditures must be substantiated by original documents such as cash register receipts or business invoices issued by the vendor who rendered the goods or services.
Employee reimbursement
Employees often find it more convenient to pay for goods or services using their own funds or credit. In such cases, the original document must be supplied by the employee attached to their Vendorlink batch cover sheet.
The college does not, and is not required, to withhold taxes on payments to students while they participate in an Academic Research Fellowship, nor is it required to report these amounts on any tax forms.
Employees who use their automobile for travel on college business are reimbursed at a rate set by the IRS. That rate is based on a certain amount for each mile driven and it covers all associated expenses, including fuel, oil, wear & tear, insurance and normal expenses associated with automobile use. The IRS rate for mileage reimbursement is:
Start Date
65.5 cents per mile January 1, 2023 Until Further Notice 62.5 cents per mile July 1. 2022 December 31, 2022 58.5 cents per mile January 1, 2022 June 30, 2022 56 cents per mile
January 1, 2021
December 31, 2021 57.5 cents per mile
January 1, 2020
December 31, 2020
There may be times when a department will require the services of a foreign individual or company. Before a contract or agreement is entered into, there are forms that, per the IRS, must be completed to ensure that the vendor is eligible to be paid. The information and forms are provided . Please remember that the college pays by check drawn on U.S. funds.
Occasionally, vendors may ask app to provide a W-9 form. Form W-9 is the IRS form used by a company to request your taxpayer identification number.
Employees will be issued a PCard to minimize time, effort, and the urgency of Check Requests and credit card payments.
Who approves PCard purchases?
PCard purchases receive the same sequential approval steps as all Vendorlink Check Requests.
PCards will be issued to employees according to departmental needs
Generally, a card will be issued to the Department Manager and/or Administrative Assistant. In many instances, if needs indicate, other employees will also be issued a card to facilitate their ability to make purchases in the execution of their duties. Please feel free to request a PCard to assist you to perform your duties. Be aware that you will also have specific duties & responsibilities related to your PCard.