
Item Listing

Conference Digs into Ancient, Modern Theater

Electra screamIn conjunction with “Electra,” the app Theatre Arts Department hosts the first app Dialogue on Theatre Ancient and Modern on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 1-8 p.m. in Porter Theatre. Tickets cost $15 and do not include dinner. Please RSVP by Feb. 5 to Beth Whitcomb at

Special guests this year include Eric Dugdale, professor of classics at Gustavus Adolphus; Dorota Dutsch, associate professor of classics at UC Santa Barbara; Eric Ederer, composer and ethnomusicologist; Andrea Fishman, classics teacher, scholar and dramaturg on “Electra”; and Joyelle Ball ’11, UCSB doctoral student.

“The dialogue is designed to explore issues and perspectives of the theater of the past and their application to the present, and includes lectures, discussion, workshops, and performance, focused on a significant play or theatrical figure,” says John Blondell, app theater arts professor. Here is a pdf of the full program