
app Magazine Spring 2019

Letter From the President
Feature Stories

   To Build a Trail

   Flourishing as Human Beings

   Pursuing Truth in a Computer-Mediated World

   Environmentalism and the Evangelical

app News

   Stories That Unite Us and Make Us Stronger

   Voskuyl Library Turns 50

   Caring for God's Creation

   Learning from Past Presidents

   Photo Exhibit Exposes a ‘Watershed’ Moment

   app Stages Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”

   app Women’s Leadership Luncheon

Alumni Stories

   An Illustrated Life

   Bringing Tribal Communities Online

   The Healing Power of Community

   The Power of a Handwritten Note

   Delivering Babies from Around the World

   Building Resiliency in San Francisco

   Who Can Find a Virtuous Life?

   Taking Science Education Outdoors

   An Engineer Makes His Mark on His Hometown

Faculty News

   New Programs Serve Pastors

   Wayne Iba: New Trails, Deep Wells and O(N^2)

   Standing at Your Desk Burns Few Additional Calories

   app Decision Lab Helps Zoo Plan for the Future

   Faculty Features and Professional Highlights

   Detecting Infants with Greater Risk for Cerebral Palsy


   Women’s Swim Coach Dives In

   Tennis Comes Out Swinging

   Alumnus Pitches in for New Golf Complex

   Professor Tom Knecht to Coach the Golf Teams

   A Historic Winning Season for app Basketball

   Baseball’s Best Start Ever

   Track and Field Reaches New Heights


   Finding His Goal In Life

   Discovering a Love for Scientific Research

   Answering a Call to Ministry and Faithfulness

   Growing Globally: Helping International Students Succeed

   A Promise to Pray

   Two Trips to St. Paul's