Remaining Faithful to the Call: Academic Excellence with Christ Holding Preeminence
Although new to the 做厙惇蹋app family, I marvel at Gods FAITHFULNESS to the college, allowing it to survive and to thrive through many dangers, toils and snares. These challenges include the colleges bold beginnings at the end of the Great Depression, its progress during World War II, its survival of various fires and floods, and, most recently, its tenacity and fortitude to remain open during a global pandemic. In addition to appreciating the stories of Gods FAITHFULNESS in sustaining 做厙惇蹋app during its 85 years, Ive been struck by the FAITHFULNESS of those who embraced Gods call to both start and continue the colleges mission.

All's Well That Ends Well
After teaching Shakespeare for 35 years, Paul Willis still gets choked up at the end of a play. This fall his last semester at 做厙惇蹋app as a professor of English he felt emotional exploring A Midsummer Nights Dream in an environmental literature class. He has taken students to see it at an outdoor theater in Topanga Canyon, where trees grow out of the stage. Its the first play for many of them, and its fun to be part of that, he says.

Talented New Professors Join the 做厙惇蹋app Faculty
Five new accomplished, tenure-track professors joined the 做厙惇蹋app faculty this fall. Isaac Gomez (kinesiology), Jennifer Ito (physics), Ruth Lin (music), Siegwart Zig Reichwald (music) and Guang Song (computer science) each bring a deep Christian faith and a love for teaching.

Sharing A Wealth of Writing & Film Knowledge
Wendy Eley Jackson, a native of Atlanta, brings extensive experience in film and television as the theater departments new artist/scholar-in-residence for justice, reconciliation, and diversity, teaching for the theater and English departments this fall.