Program Review Voskuyl Library
Mission Statement
Voskuyl Library fosters a culture of scholarly, spiritual, and personal growth by providing learning spaces, resources, and services to the °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp community.
°µÍø±¬ÁÏapp Institutional Learning Outcome (ILO) Student Writing Rubric
Graduates of °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp will be able to strategically research, wisely evaluate, and ethically integrate sources in various contexts.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
PLO 1- Inquiry and strategic searching
- Develops manageable research claim or question (scope)
- Effectively searches scholarly databases, library catalog, Google scholar, journals
- Recursively and deliberately searches scholarly literature
PLO 2- Wise source evaluation
- Incorporates appropriate variety of sources
- Cites authoritative and credible sources
- Demonstrates attentive reading and discerning use of relevant sources
PLO 3- Ethical source integration
- Incorporates sources in support of claim or to answer research question
- Thoughtfully and ethically summarizes, paraphrases, and quotes sources
- Critically engages with or synthesizes sources
Program Review Resources
A multi-year assessment plan shows what program learning outcomes will be assessed in what years.
Annual and Six-Year Reports