Majors & Degrees Computation and Data Physics Track
The computation and data physics track provides students with a strong foundation in core physics principles coupled with courses in computer science that provide a robust literacy for solving computational problems in the physical sciences. Students who follow this track are well-suited for a variety of technical careers, most notably those in software engineering and related fields. Students graduate with a B.S. in Physics in the computation and data physics track.
"Data runs the world now, and °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp is keeping competitive in preparing students for industry by creating a new computational and data physics track offering that allows students to learn the skills that are valuable to all engineering / physics jobs today. I get increasingly excited as I read line-by-line down the courses in the new Computational and Data Physics B.S. Track because I use the skills from these courses in my everyday job and would have been all in on this major had it been available during my time at °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp".
— Sarah Reed (‘19, Engineering Physics)
Sample Schedule
FALL (17 credits)
- PHY 21: General Physics I (4)
- PHY 22: General Physics Lab I (1)
- MA 9: Calculus I (4)
- CS 10: Design and Implementation of Solutions to Computational Problems (4)
- General Education (4)
- PHY 23: General Physics II (4)
- PHY 24: General Physics Lab II (1)
- MA 10: Calculus II (4)
- CS 030 Abstract Models for Concrete Problems Using Java (4)
- General Education (4)
- PEA 32: Fitness for Life (1)
- Suggested Mayterm: GE Elective (4) on campus or abroad
- Suggested research with °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp faculty or
FALL (17)
- PHY 25: Modern Physics (4)
- MA 19: Multivariable Calculus (4)
- CS 015 Discrete Mathematics (4)
- General Education (4)
- PEA elective (1)
- PHY 26: Modern Physics Lab. (1)
- PHY 40: Differential Equations (4)
- CS 120 Space, Time, and Perfect Algorithms (4)
- General Education (8)
- Suggested research with °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp faculty, internship or
Fall (17)
- PHY 150: Electricity and Magnetism OR PHY-121 Quantum Mechanics I(4)
- Recommended: CS 150 Topics in Computer Science: Human Factors (4)
- General Education (8)
- PEA Elective (1)
Spring (16)
- PHY 131 Classical Mechanics (4) OR PHY 160 Thermodynamics (4)
- PHY 105: Computational Physics (4)
- General Education (8)
- Suggested research with °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp faculty, internship or
Fall (13)
- PHY 150: Electricity and Magnetism OR PHY-121 Quantum Mechanics I(4)
- PHY-198: Research (1) OR CS/PHY/EN Internship (1)
- General Education (8)
Spring (14)
- CS 116 Artificial Intelligence (4) OR one of CS 125, CS 128, CS130
- PHY 195: Senior Seminar (1)
- PHY 170 Adv. Lab (1)
- General Education (8)