Campus Safety Emergency Procedures
Are you prepared?
This handbook is intended to help staff, faculty and students respond to emergency situations, which may occur on the app campus. Such emergencies can occur at any time and without warning, but their effects can be minimized and recovery can be improved if the proper emergency procedures are established and followed.
The College is committed to the safety and security of all members of the app community.
In times of emergency, the college will provide appropriate campus-wide response to assure safety and minimize losses.
Emergency preparedness is also an individual responsibility. This document will serve as a quick reference for efficient action during emergencies. Please feel free to printout a copy and keep it in an easily accessible location for quick reference. All staff, faculty, and students should take time now to read and become familiar with the contents of this guide before an emergency occurs.
Safety Policies
The following safety policies are enforced at app:
- Flammable liquids (such as gasoline) shall not be stored in residence hails or inside any buildings except laboratories and maintenance shops designed for this purpose.
- No open flames (candles, lanterns, incense, etc.) are permitted in residence halls or inside any building except in laboratories and maintenance shops designed for this purpose.
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the campus.
- The speed limit on campus is 15 miles per hour.
- Vehicles shall be parked in designated areas only. Fire lanes and parking spaces for those who are physically challenged are clearly identified.
- No firearms shall be used, carried, or stored on campus.
- No fireworks shall be used or stored on campus.
Hazardous Material Spill
Any spill involving hazardous materials shall be reported to Campus Safety immediately at extension 6222.
- Do not attempt to clean up a spill. It will be assessed by trained personnel who will ensure that proper clean-up techniques are employed.
- Offensive odors from ventilation systems should be reported to the Physical Plant department at extension 6015 during office hours or Campus Safety at extension 6222 after office hours.
If necessary, be prepared to evacuate the building. Always stay upwind of the spill (wind blowing from behind you).
In the event of a chemical spill in the Santa Barbara area, evacuation of the campus may be necessary. Be prepared to cooperate with the traffic control officials.
All laboratory personnel should be prepared to assist in assessment of spills within their area.
Chemical containers and gas cylinders shall be restrained to prevent spills during an earthquake.
If a fire or smoke is discovered anywhere on or about the campus.
- Leave the area where the fire is located, isolating it as well as possible by closing doors and windows around it. Do not attempt to retrieve valuables or use elevators.
- Pull the nearest fire alarm. Find a safe location and call 9-1-1 then call Campus Safety at extension 6222.
- Never attempt to fight a fire larger than wastebasket size. Even a small fire can generate enough smoke to cause serious injury. Never attempt to fight a fire by yourself. Call for help.
Fire Extinguisher Instructions
- P*PULL safety pin from the handle
A*AIM at the base of the fire
S*SQUEEZE the trigger handle
S*SWEEP from side-to-side
If you are aware that someone is trapped in a burning structure, inform the firefighters immediately. Do not re-enter the building alone. If you are trapped, stay low to the ground as you try to exit. Do not open any doors that feel hot. Use wet towels or clothes to protect yourself from flames and smoke.
If your clothes catch fire, STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!
All alarms should be taken seriously. If you hear an alarm, evacuate the building.
Bomb Threat Procedures
If you receive a bomb threat
- Remain calm and stay on the line. Take as much information as possible from the caller. Use the checklist on the following page.
- When the caller hangs up, call Campus Safety at extension 6222. Give the officer your name, location, telephone number, and the information you obtained from the caller.
- Do not hang up until told to do so.
- Inform your supervisor, Resident Director, or summer conference leader as soon as possible. If possible, get his or her attention while still on the line.
- Report any suspicious object to Campus Safety or other emergency personnel. Do not touch or move it.
- Follow all instructions given by emergency personnel. Do not re-enter any evacuated area until authorized to do so.
- Use attached checklist if a bomb threat is received
- Submit the completed from to Campus Safety as soon as possible.
- Remember that first impressions are very important.
Bomb Threat Checklist
- Exact wording of caller:
- Ask the caller the following questions:
- When will the bomb explode?
- Where is the bomb now?
- What does the bomb look like?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What will detonate the bomb?
- Did you place the bomb? Why?
- What is your name?
Date: | Time: | Sex | Age |
Describe the caller’s voice (circle any that apply):
Calm | lisp | deep | soft | angry |
Crying | slow | loud | excited | normal |
Raspy | distinct | accented | ragged | deep breathing |
- Was the voice familiar to you? Y/N Like whom?
- Describe the threat language (circle any that apply):
- well spoken foul incoherent serious message read
- irrational other
- Describe any background noise (circle any that apply):
Street | long distance | clear | music | office |
Local | factory | motor | house | static |
Voices | animals | other |
Utility Emergency
If a utility problem is discovered, such as a gas leak or elevator failure, call the Physical Plant Department at extension 6015 during office hours, or Campus Safety at extension 6222 after the office hours.
Gas Link
- Only personnel specifically trained in emergency shut-off procedures should attempt to shut off the building gas.
- As a precaution, avoid lighting matches or turning on or off lights. Extinguish any open flames.
- Stay clear of the problem. Go outside and wait for a Physical Plant Department or Gas Company employee and direct him to the problem location.
- Physical Plant Department personnel will recommend response procedures to the Building Coordinators once they have confirmed the leak. Building occupants should evacuate immediately if asked to do so by a Physical Plant Department or Gas Company employee, or Building Coordinator. Windows should be opened to allow ventilation.
Elevator Failure
- If you are in an elevator that stops between floors or the doors will not open, use the elevator phone or alarm button to call for help. A Physical Plant Department employee or Campus Safety personnel will respond.
- If the elevator stops in an earthquake, the phone may not work. Emergency plans have bee developed for such an event, and Physical Plant Department personnel will be automatically dispatched to check all elevators.
- Never attempt to pry open the doors or overhead hatch of a stopped elevator. Such actions by unskilled personnel may result in injury. Specially trained elevator mechanics will take care of the problem.
Medical Psychological Crisis
In case of a serious medical emergency CALL 9-1-1, then,
- Call Campus Safety at extension 6222. Give your name, telephone extension, location, and a description of the problem.
- Call your Supervisor or Resident Director.
- Stay with the victim. If the victim is a conscious, ask what the problem is. If the victim is unconscious, check for breathing and bleeding. Only trained individuals should administer first aid and CPR.
- Keep the victim still, comfortable, and warm.
- Protect the victim from any disturbances.
- Search for any emergency identification (i.e. ID bracelet).
- Wait for emergency help to arrive. Never leave the victim alone if at all possible.
- All staff, faculty, and students are encouraged to attend the first aid and CPR training course. Contact the Safety office at extension 6043 or the Health Center at extension 6164 for information.
- Keep a first aid kit and instruction book nearby for help.
If a Psychological crisis occurs (e.g. suicide attempt, disorientation, confusion, and panic):
- Call Campus Safety at extension 6222. Give your name, telephone extension, your location, and the location of the victim. Inform the officer whether any drugs, medications, or weapons are involved.
- Stay with the victim unless your safety is threatened. Wait for emergency response personnel to arrive.
- Stay calm and do not incite panic in others.
- Be sensitive to the family and friends during the crisis.
- Refer to this document’s section entitled “Reporting An Emergency” for additional helpful information.
Reporting an Emergency
To report an emergency, call 9-1-1. Then call Campus Safety!!!
- 565-6222 off-campus
- Ext. 6222 on campus
Tell the officer:
- Nature of the emergency
- Your name
- Phone number from which you are calling, and
- Your location.
DO NOT hang up until you are told that no further information is required unless there is an immediate threat to your safety.
After notifying emergency personnel, notify building staff. Watch for arrival of emergency personnel and assist in directing them to the appropriate location.
Chaplain’s office | 565-6170 |
Human Resources Department | 565-6101 |
Physical Plant Office | 565-6015 |
Campus Safety Office | 565-6222 |
Student Health Center | 565-6164 |
Switchboard/Communications | 565-6000 |
If an off-campus incident involves app personnel
Or property, also call Campus Safety at 565-6222
Alcohol/Drug Problems | 861-5210 |
Poison Control Center | 1-800-777-6476 |
Rape Crisis Center | 569-2255 |
S.B. Cottage Hospital | 682-7111 |
St. Francis Hospital | 962-7661 |
Suicide Prevention | 569-2255 |
The following steps should be taken to minimize the potential for injury in the event of a major earthquake:
- Be familiar with appropriate emergency plans and procedures.
Familiarize yourself and others with the following response steps. Take a few moments now to identify evacuation routes, and potential hazards to avoid. Take a first aid/CPR course offered on campus. Identify the phone number of a contact person outside Southern California to act as a communication link with your family. - Put together a personal emergency kit, including:
- Food and water, plastic eating utensils, basic first air supplies, flashlight, radio, spare batteries, whistle, change of clothes, enclosed shoes, gloves, spare eye-glasses, prescription medication, plastic garbage bags, blanket, and personal hygiene items. Keep a mini survival kit in your car, and adequate fuel in your car in case gas stations are damaged.
- Maintain an earthquake safe environment.
- Move heavy objects from high shelves.
- Restrain bookcases and cabinets firmly to wall studs.
- Anchor computers down with anchor pads or Velcro.
- cover glass windows with protective film.
- Relocate office desks away from windows.
- Prepare your family.
- If the earthquake happens while you’re at work, you may be separated from your family for a period of time. They should be equipped with proper emergency supplies, and know appropriate emergency procedures. Schools will be prepared to care for children until parents pick them up.
During the shaking:
- Remain calm. Do not rush outside. Many injuries occur due to falling debris just outside the doorways, or near outside walls.
- DUCK, COVER, AND HOLD…If indoors, take cover under a table or desk and hold on. Stay ways from windows, tall objects, and overhead lights. If no cover is available, duck and hold near an interior wall. Shield your head and face from falling debris.
- If outdoors, move away from building, utility wires, trees, and all other overhead obstructions.
- If driving, pull over to the side of the road and stop. Avoid overpasses and powerlines. Stay inside your car. IF you continue driving, watch for hazards such as damaged roadways, falling objects, and downed power lines.
- Laboratory occupants should seek shelter in hallways to escape possible toxic vapors.
After the shaking:
- Be prepared for aftershocks. Move cautiously. Wear enclosed shoes to avoid injury from broken glass.
- Check for injuries. Administer first aid if necessary. Do not move seriously injured individuals unless absolutely necessary.
- Do not use elevators or phones except in emergency situations.
- Note any facility damage. If safe to do so, extinguish small fires. If you smell gas, turn off any gas appliances and do not light a match or turn on lights. Report all problems to the emergency response personnel.
- Evacuate if the building is badly damaged, if there are gas leaks or fires, or if directed to do so. Close all doors and turn off electrical equipment. Bring your personal emergency kit with you, and use the stairway.
- Move away from the building to an open area free from overhead hazards. Do not return to the building until it has been deemed safe by an expert. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency equipment and personnel. Use extreme caution in rescue attempts if others are trapped. If possible, wait for trained personnel to guide rescue efforts.
- Make note of any individuals who are missing. Provide all requested information to Campus Safety and other response personnel. Turn on your am/fm radio for emergency information.
- Assist those individuals who experience anxiety in the aftermath of the earthquake. Be sympathetic, yet positive.
Rape/Assault Prevention
Anyone can be a victim of rape/assault. Be aware of the different possibilities and be prepared to take whatever actions necessary.
When walking or driving:
- Keep all your senses available. Do not use “Walkman” type earphones while jogging after dark.
- If you feel endangered, yell. Scream “HELP!” or “POLICE!” and run away.
- Use physical violence to defend yourself if threatened. If you feel threatened, the law says that you may have already been assaulted.
- Walk with confidence. Display outrage if threatened, not fear.
When on a date:
- Know yourself and your own capabilities. Set limits early and communicate those limits.
- Try to find an easy way out of potential date rape situations.
- Stand up for your self.
When in your room:
- Lock your doors and windows at night.
- Do not talk with obscene callers.
Escort Service:
If you must walk the campus after dark, you do not need to do so alone. Campus Safety offers escorts to anyone who requests one. Call extension 6222 to request escort service.
If you are ever a victim of sexual assault, report the incident immediately to the Police by calling 9-911. Notify Campus Safety at extension 6222 and the Dean of Students at extension 6028.
RAPE CRISIS CENTER . . . 569-2255
Refer to this handout’s section entitled “Reporting An Emergency” for additional helpful information.
Reporting A Crime
- If you see or suspect any suspicious activity occurring on or about the app campus:
- Contact Campus Safety immediately at extension 6222.
- Tell the Campus Safety officer your name and location, and the location and nature of the incident.
- If you are in a safe location, stay there.
- Do not attempt to interfere with the situation except for self-protection.
- Try to get a description of any suspects involved. Important characteristics to note are:
- height & weight -names used
- method & direction of travel -sex, race, & age
- Also try to get a description of any vehicles involved. Important items to note are:
color-make & Model- license number
Be aware of the following suspicious signs. Follow the above procedures if any of them are observed.
- A scream or a call for help.
- A whistle or horn blowing.
- A broken window
An unfamiliar person doing any of the following:
- entering a neighbor’s room or office.
- loitering on or about the campus,
- trying to break into a car, or
- repeatedly driving on or about campus.
Some tips that can be used to prevent campus crime are:
- Locking your door whenever you leave your room or office.
- Locking your windows whenever your leave your room, especially if you are on the ground floor.
- Averting temptation. Place your valuables out of sight.
- Not leaving valuables unattended anywhere on campus.
- Taking valuables with you when you leave campus.
- Requesting identification of service people working in your area. If still uncertain, call the Physical Plant office at extension 6015 during office hours or Campus Safety at extension 6222 after office hours.
- Keeping a record of serial numbers, models, brand names, and description of all your valuables. Also keep a record of all your charge account numbers in a safe place.
- Always locking bicycles with high quality locks.
- Not leaving notes or messages saying you’re out and when you’ll return.
- Keeping keys safe at all times. Report any missing keys to Campus Safety at extension 6222 immediately.
- Reporting all thefts, no matter how small, to Campus Safety.