Meet the Art Faculty
This talented and dedicated group of educators and artists have diverse expertise in Studio Art, Graphic Arts, and Art History. Their commitment to excellence enriches our vibrant artistic community.
Scott Anderson, M.F.A.
Scott Anderson is an illustrator whose work can be seen in a variety of publications, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Hollywood Reporter and many others. His current focus as a painter is a series of highly detailed still-life paintings of vintage toys. Fun fact: Scott has seen the band U2 play live over 15 times.
Nathan Huff, M.F.A.
A passionate storyteller, Nathan paintings, sculptures, and installations incorporate themes of domestic life with images of vast untamed nature. In addition to gallery exhibitions his works are held in the permanent collections of the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, the Culver Museum, and the Hilbert Museum among others. Fun Fact: Nathan once made a pilgrimage from Los Angeles to London to study a favorite painting (“A Bar at the Folies-Bergère” by Manet) only to find when he got to the Museum in London, the painting was gone on a short loan at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. He has yet to see the painting in person.
Meagan Stirling, M.F.A.
Interested in the perceptions of risk and safety and caregiving, she enjoys working in multiple mediums, including printmaking, installation, and performance. Fun fact: Meagan has taste tested all of the burgers in the Santa Barbara area. Ask her which one is the best!
Lisa DeBoer, P.h.D.
Lisa is our resident art historian. She has received numerous awards, including a Javits and a Fulbright. Teaching at a small college gives her flexibility to pursue varied research projects. One, on the arts in worship culminated in an award-winning book, The Visual Arts in the Worshiping Church (Eerdmans, 2016). The other has her chasing down 16th century Dutch documents on the important early-modern historian, Emanuel van Meteren. Fun fact: Lisa recently connected the dots to identify and digitize a long-lost manuscript by Van Meteren which was quietly hiding, in of all places, a public library in Auckland, New Zealand.
Judy Larson, Ph.D.
Judy has worked in the art museum field her entire career including the LACMA in Los Angeles, High Museum of Art in Atlanta Georgia, and the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C. Fun fact: she has a half acre cactus and succulent garden, which has been published in a book about noteworthy gardens in Santa Barbara.
Chris Rupp, M.F.A.
Curator and Collections Manager for app Ridley-Tree Museum of Art and Ceramics Instructor