
app Magazine What's Up on the app Website?

If you are connected to the Internet, you can visit the app Web site at Click on the icon labeled “People,” and you will discover several options for alumni information, including a directory of alumni e-mail addresses. Be sure to add your name!

In this listing, you will find e-mail addresses for a number of your classmates, including some you may not have seen for awhile. Sending an e-mail message is a great way to reconnect with old friends.

You can also e-mail information to the app magazine by using the form on the Web site or by simply addressing a message to

Soon the Alumni Office will post information about Homecoming on the Web site. For the first time this year, alums attending the annual reunion on September 25–27 will be able to register on line.

Just this year, app added a full-time webmaster to the academic computing staff. We are in the process of working with a consultant to redesign both the look and the structure of the site to make it more effective and useful for important constituencies like alumni. After the site has been updated, we’ll print an announcement in the magazine so you can check it out.

If you have ideas about features you would like to see on the app Web site, please e-mail them to Nancy Phinney, director of public affairs and editor of the app magazine, at

Use the Web site to get in touch with faculty and find out how the Warrior teams are doing by reading the weekly update.