World Christianity Expert to Speak
One of the leading experts in the fields of mission history, the history of world Christianity and mission theology will speak at app. Dana Robert, co-director of the Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University, will present “Global Christianity: Issues for North Americans in the 21st Century” at a free public lecture, Thursday, Nov. 9, at 3:30 p.m., in Hieronymus Lounge. She will also speak in chapel, Friday, Nov. 10, at 10:30 a.m.
Charles Farhadian, assistant professor of religious studies at app, says Robert will be speaking on the southward shift of Christianity and its implications.
“No longer can anyone say Christianity is a predominately Western religion,” says Farhadian. “In fact, in its origins it never was. It was a religion of the Middle East, and today it’s no longer a primarily Western religion. Numerically, it’s a religion of Africa, Latin America and Asia.”
Robert’s lecture will discuss the impact non-Western Christians are having on the way we understand God.
Robert has authored or co-authored eight books and many articles. “Gospel Bearers, Gender Barriers: Missionary Women in the Twentieth Century” was named an outstanding book in mission studies for 2002, and “Occupy Until I Come Home: A. T. Person and the Evangelization of the World,” was one of the outstanding books in mission studies for 2003.
The talk is part of a lecture series, World Christianity and Global Encounters of the 21st Century, which the college started four years ago.
“Through the lecture series we get to listen to new voices and perspectives on Christianity, which are rapidly becoming significant perspectives,” Farhadian says.
The lecture is sponsored by app’s history and religious studies departments, the campus pastor’s office and money received through several grants. For more information please contact Jennifer Hauser at (805) 565-6169.
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app, Campus Events, Lectures