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app Artists Recognized Near And Far

Rupp Bamboo Box.jpgTwo app art professors earned awards for their recent work, and several art students were featured in an exhibit in Sacramento last month.

Professor Scott Anderson earned four awards for Reynolds Gallery in the 28th annual publication design competition by the American Association of Museums. With more than 800 entries, the competition is the only national, juried event involving publications produced by museums of all kinds and sizes. Anderson won first prize for both his poster and invitation to last summer’s exhibit, “Views and Visions: the Still Life.” The invitation to “Storytellers: Children’s Book Illustrators” and the 2007-2008 gallery membership brochure each earned honorable mention. Scott has been recognized in the AAM competition four of the last five years.

Adjunct sculpture professor Chris Rupp received the Trax Award for Excellence in Function in the annual California Clay Competition, held in conjunction with the California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Art. Two works by Rupp were among the 39 chosen by juror Sandy Simon from 315 entries. The exhibit, which opened April 25, will be on display through June 6 at The Artery, 207 G Street in Davis, Calif. For information, contact the gallery at (530) 758-8330 or visit .

Three app art students were selected to exhibit work in the state capitol at the Third Annual Student Art Show of the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities. The exhibit seeks to raise awareness among policy makers about independent schools and the importance of Cal Grants for higher education. Paintings by Dylan Carr ’08, Carissa Dale ’08, and Bethany Sie ’09, along with art from 19 other institutions, were displayed in the historic West Wing Dining Rooms of the State Capitol Building April 16 through May 15. For information contact (916) 446-7626 or

To contact app’s art department, call (805) 565-6162 or e-mail