Theatrical Event Shows 'Faces of America'
“Faces of America,” a powerful, one-person portrayal of multicultural Americans, will be performed in app’s Porter Theatre Saturday, Sept. 25, at 8 p.m. Admission is free with a suggested $5 donation benefitting the app student organization Racial Equality and Justice. Please reserve tickets by calling (805) 565-7140.
The play, created by Colin Cox and Fran de Leon, is the result of research based upon interviews and workshops held across the country. After interviewing more than 60 young Americans, Cox and De Leon began to formulate the characters depicted in this extraordinarily truthful and sometimes shocking look at American society.
“Last February, I and a group of students attended the Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation at Biola University, and we universally agreed that this play should be brought to our college because it expanded our views on diversity in ways that were very unexpected,” says Elena Yee, director of app Intercultural Programs, which is co-sponsoring the event with the app Theater Arts Department.
Will & Company, a not-for-profit theater ensemble based in Los Angeles, recommends that audience members be of high school age or older due to themes in the play.
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