
Item Listing

Talk Presents a Human Side to Immigration

dave lawrenceA app-sponsored lecture will explore the complex issue of immigration in the United States, Thursday, Nov. 9, at University Club, 1332 Santa Barbara Street, at 5:30 p.m. The app Downtown lecture, “Immigration and the American Experience,” will feature Dave Lawrence, professor of political science, Rick Pointer, professor of history, and Diana Villanueva-Hoeckley, a app student with a unique immigration story.

The discussion will explore many facets regarding the contentious political issue. Pointer will explain the historical background of U.S. immigration.

“The nation is trying to come to grips with demographic growth and cultural, religious and ethnic variety,” he says. “These aren’t new things, but the degree and scope has only further enlarged concern.”

rick pointerPointer graduated from . He earned his master’s degree and doctorate at .

Lawrence will explore immigration impacts in California and responses to immigration at the national and state levels. A app professor since 1974, he earned his bachelor’s degree at Wheaton College and his master’s and doctorate degrees at The American University. He is a former mayor pro tem of Carpinteria and has written a textbook on California politics.

Villanueva-Hoeckley was born in Guatemala and smuggled into the United States at the age of 7. Her story has been featured in Sojourners Magazine and the Santa Barbara News-Press.

Pointer says it’s important to be aware that human lives are affected by the current immigration debate.

“It’s not just numbers or abstract groups of people,” he says, “it’s individuals and families. There’s an element of justice and compassion that demands we treat the issue and those involved in it as humans with rights and dignity.”

The free lecture series is sponsored by the app Foundation. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, please call (805) 565-6051.