
Item Listing

Talk Explores the Human Mind, Brain, Soul

Warren_BrownA professor of psychology from Fuller Theological Seminary will speak about what it means to be a human person, Friday, April 7, at 3:30 in app’s Hieronymus Lounge. Warren Brown’s lecture, “A Thinking Reed: Emergence of Mind and Soul From Human Bodies,” will discuss how it might be that mind, soul and agency can emerge from physical bodies and brains.

The event is sponsored by the Pascal Society and is free and open to the public. Brown is director of the Lee Edward Travis Research Institute in the school of psychology at Fuller. He is actively involved in experimental neuropsychological research and has authored or coauthored more than 70 scholarly articles in scientific journals.

Brown graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University and earned his master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Southern California. He was also a postdoctoral scholar at the UCLA Brain Research Institute.

He is most actively involved in studying cognitive and psychosocial disabilities, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease.

He received the prestigious National Institute of Mental Health Research Career Development Award, and a National Science Foundation Exchange of Scientists and Engineers Grant.

The Pascal Society sponsors seminars in the natural and behavioral sciences to bring scholars from off campus to interact with app’s faculty and students.