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Students Honored for Selfless Leadership

Two app juniors, Rachael Todd of Nipomo and Levi Wicks of Huntington Beach, won David K. Winter Servant Leadership Awards for showing selflessness and humility as effective leaders. Angela D’Amour, dean of student engagement, introduced the 24th annual awardees on April 10 in .

David K. Winter awardees Rachel Todd of Nipomo and Levi Wicks of Huntington Beach
David K. Winter awardees Rachael Todd of Nipomo and Levi Wicks of Huntington Beach

The award recognizes the late David K. Winter, who served as app’s president from 1976-2001 and returned as interim president and chancellor in 2006-2007. Both students earn $1,000 toward their academic scholarship.

Todd is a music major, talented singer and leader in the app Chapel Band. She is known for bringing birthday cards, cooking meals for the opera and subbing in for singers who are sick. “When I think of Paul's words, ‘For God loves a cheerful giver,’ Rachel comes to mind,” wrote Daniel Gee, assistant professor of music and director of choral activities.

“Our leadership is a constant growth trajectory that isn't perfect, but it brings people together to feel seen and known and heard,” she said.

Wicks, who is majoring in math and computer science, serves as a teacher’s assistant in Old Testament, a leader in a Capax Dei prayer group, and as a tutor. He is known for getting up at 5:30 a.m. on Saturday mornings to cooks breakfast burritos for Santa Barbara’s unhoused.

“Leadership means being steadfast, sacrificial and completely bent towards the flourishing of others,” he said. “I've come to learn that this kind of leadership is by no means for the select few, but for each and every one of us.”