Spirituality, Not Religion
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Professor David Wells will speak on “Spirituality, Not Religion” 4 p.m. March 24 in Hieronymus Lounge. The event is free and open to the public.
"Wells is the Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Gordon-Conwell, which is in Hamilton, Mass. He was born in Zimbabwe, lived for some years in England and worked as an architect before beginning theological training.
He is the author of 18 books. Wells has just completed the fourth and final volume in his recent series that began with “No Place for Truth.” The final volume is at Eerdmans and is called “Above All Earthly Powers: Christ in a Postmodern World.”
“Just when it seemed as if Western cultures were going to become thoroughly secularized, and religion and spirituality seemed as if they were becoming obsolete, the cultural mood has done an about-face,” Wells said.
“The overwhelming majority of Americans, eight out of 10, now describe themselves as being spiritual. It is, however, a spirituality which is highly individualistic and often thinks of itself in opposition to what is religious.
“So, what are we to make of this? Is this spiritual interest a preparation for believing the gospel or is it the enemy of the gospel?”
The lecture is sponsored by app’s religious studies department and the Provost’s Office.
For more information, contact the public affairs office at (805) 565-7057 or e-mail pubaffairs@westmont.edu. For directions to campus, visit the college Web site at www.westmont.edu.
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