
Item Listing

Pop Culture with Values

David Batstone, professor of social ethics at the University of San Francisco and a writer on popular culture, and film producer Steven Crisman will speak on “Pop Culture with Values: If You Don't Like the News, Go Out
and Create Your Own” 7:30 p.m. Feb. 4 in the Founders Room in the Kerr Student Center.

The event is free and open to the public.

Popular culture is often seen as an unlikely place for a serious conversation about values. Yet because of its influence, pop culture is also a setting with great potential. Both speakers have been involved in efforts to use popular culture to speak to important questions about values in our society. They will discuss their approach and their planned collaboration on several films.

Batstone, a app alumnus (1980), is the author of "Saving the Corporate Soul," which outlines 10 principles for creating and preserving wealth and well-being for you and your company without selling out.
He was named National Endowment for the Humanities chair for his work in technology and ethics at the University of San Francisco. Batstone is also one of the co-founders of Business 2.0, the leading business magazine for technology and new media that was sold to Time Warner in 2001.

Crisman has produced more that 60 hours of documentaries over the past decade and has received numerous awards and coveted nominations from the film industry.

He is known for producing investigative films about controversial public-interest issues or largely recognized but uncelebrated aspects of history and culture.

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