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MBAR Gives Green Light to app

Updated Chapel ProposalThe Montecito Board of Architectural Review (MBAR) granted preliminary approval for all of Phase I of the app Master Plan. The first part of the project will add a new art center, science building, chapel, observatory and residence hall while reconfiguring the campus road and athletic fields. College officials will now work with the planning department, get final approval from the MBAR and then pull permits from the building department before starting construction, which will begin in early October. The college, however, faces a challenge from opponents at the State Court of Appeals.

The June 16 MBAR hearing focused largely on the tower of the proposed chapel which, at the request of planner Alex Tuttle, was lowered to 49 feet. Architect Norman Pfeiffer described the chapel as a series of convex stone forms. “The tower is concave rather than convex,” he said. “In opening the stone, I am keeping that elegant feeling. It is revealing the cross, opening up to it.”

Ken Radtkey of Blackbird Associates detailed plans to demolish a section of Porter Hall, creating a pedestrian-friendly academic corridor. He also provided drawings of a track storage shed that will hold equipment for track meets on the new synthetic surface.