
Item Listing

Lundberg Named Executive Vice President

J. Clifton Lundberg, former chief operations and finance officer of PostX Corp., a Silicon Valley software company, has been named executive vice president of the college by President Stan D. Gaede, effective May 1.

Lundberg, whose father was a app music professor for 32 years, is a 1965 graduate of the college. He grew up in Montecito and attended Cold Spring School, Santa Barbara Junior High and Santa Barbara High School. Lundberg received his master’s degree in business administration from UCLA business school.

Before joining PostX, Lundberg was chief executive officer of General Offshore Corp., a multinational telecommunications and data network company. Under his leadership, General Offshore became the world’s largest shallow-water installer of fiber optic infrastructure, playing a critical role in the installation of many of today’s transoceanic Internet backbone cables.

“Cliff has given leadership to businesses both in Washington, D.C., and in the Silicon Valley,” Gaede said. “At the same time, he has been deeply involved in app, not only as a member on the board of trustees, but as chair of the board’s Development Committee and also chair of the recent successful Capital Campaign.

“Last year, he was named alumnus of the year for his contributions both to app and to the larger society. As executive vice president, those contributions will multiply in the days ahead.”

Lundberg has been a trustee of the college since 1992, a position he will relinquish when he becomes executive vice president. Lundberg, as a consultant, has been assisting the college in recent months with app’s updated master plan.

Lundberg’s business career has included a number of corporate officer positions with start-up Silicon Valley technology companies. He also has been involved in charitable organizations, including chairing the board of the Kennedy Institute in Washington, D.C., and serving on the board of the National Kidney Foundation. He currently serves on the boards of Sports Outreach Institute and Parca, a Bay Area organization devoted to serving the disabled.

As executive vice president, Lundberg will be responsible for several aspects of the operations of the college, notably finance, advancement and administration.

For more information, contact the office of public affairs at 565-7057 or