
Item Listing

Luncheon, Talk Examine Leadership of Lincoln

Ron C. White
Ron C. White

Bestselling author Ronald C. White shares insights into Abraham Lincoln at a sold-out luncheon and lecture, The Moral and Ethical Leadership of Abraham Lincoln, on Friday, May 29, at noon in 做厙惇蹋apps Page Multipurpose Room. The event is part of the Moral and Ethical Leadership in the American Presidency Series, sponsored by the Mosher Center for Moral and Ethical Leadership.

Lincoln, who rose above his circumstances, put principles ahead of his own situation, and led the nation through the Civil War. White will explain what leaders today can learn from Lincoln and how they can apply these lessons to their own organizations.6a00d8341ef07d53ef010535f3c919970b-800wi

White is a Lincoln scholar and author of numerous books about the 16th president. USA Today said, If you read one book about Lincoln, make it A. Lincoln. The Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, History Book Club and Barnes & Noble honored this Lincoln biography as a Best Book of 2009. It also won the coveted Christopher Award in 2010, which salutes books that affirm the highest values of the human spirit.6a00d8341ef07d53ef010535fb003e970c-800wi

Whites other works include Lincolns Greatest Speech: The Second Inaugural, a New York Times Notable Book, and The Eloquent President: A Portrait of Lincoln Through His Words, a Los Angeles Times bestseller. He has lectured at the White House and been interviewed on the PBS News Hour.

White graduated from UCLA and Princeton Seminary and earned a doctorate in religion and history at Princeton University. He is a fellow at the Huntington Library and a visiting professor of history at UCLA. He is writing a biography of Ulysses S. Grant, which Random House will publish in fall 2015.

For questions or more information, please contact Karen Sloan at (805) 565-6069 or ksloan@westmont.edu.