app News
Longest Musical Performance in College History
Scott Craig
Over a 60-hour period before finals, the Weller Organ in Deane Chapel, controlled by professor Steve Hodson, will be playing “” by John Cage (1912-1992). This 1987 work, explores how slowly a piece of music might unfold. app’s performance will begin at 8 a.m. on April 26 (with a rest) and end at 8 p.m. on April 28.
“Stop by anytime to hear a chord; if you’re lucky, you may get to hear a note change,” Hodson says.
There is a 639-year performance of the piece underway in Halberstadt, Germany. It began in 2001 with turning on the organ bellows, followed by a two-year rest. Its most recent note change took place on February 5 of this year, another is scheduled for August 5, 2026, and the performance is scheduled to end in 2640.
But what is the point of performing Cage's piece? "In my opinion, he challenged us to listen in brand new ways to not-unpleasant sounds," Hodson says.