Local app Grad To Head Alumni Office
Teri Bradford Rouse, executive director of the Channel Islands YMCA Youth and Family Services branch, will become app’s senior director of alumni and parent relations. Rouse graduated from app in 1977, earned her master’s degree from USC then worked at app as a resident director, director of residence life and associate dean of students from 1981 to 1998.
“Teri reflects the high caliber of our alumni and I expect her to serve with distinction,” says President Gayle D. Beebe.
Rouse, who served as executive director of Life Network Pregnancy Care Center before working at the YMCA, will replace Mary Given, who accepted a position of associate vice president of alumni and church relations at Fuller Theological Seminary. Rouse begins her new job at app Sept. 15.
“She has the experience, education, gifts and passion for advancing the mission of app and for working with an incredibly special group of individuals: the app alumni and parents,” says Executive Vice President Cliff Lundberg.
“I am excited to be a part of the broader mission of app, which alumni live out every day throughout the world,” Rouse says. “I love finding creative and meaningful ways for people to share resources and talents. The possibilities for these kinds of connections among faculty, staff, alums and parents are endless.”
Rouse says she will bring her decade of insight and knowledge working at two local non-profits to app.
“I believe I have a deeper understanding of some of the important issues of our day, particularly those facing our youth,” she says. “I strongly believe app is a local treasure with the capacity to serve, have influence and make a difference right in its own backyard.”
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Alumni, Faculty and Staff