
Item Listing

Gallery Publication Wins Design Competition

app’s Reynolds Gallery has taken first place in the 24th annual American Association of Museums (AAM) Publications Design Competition. “Every Picture Tells a Story,” designed by art instructor Scott Anderson, was selected as the winner of fund-raising and membership materials.

“As you can imagine, I’m very proud of this accomplishment,” Anderson said.

“Receiving national recognition at this level -- competing with so many major museums-- is a great achievement for the Reynolds Gallery and our designer Scott Anderson,” added Gallery Director Tony Askew. “At the awards ceremony in New Orleans it was amazing to see our publication right next to one by the Metropolitan Museum. To be recognized in such a prestigious publication category is overwhelming.”

The competition, which acknowledges excellence in the graphic design of museum publications, is the only national, juried event involving publications produced by museums of all kinds and sizes. This year’s contest drew more than 950 entries. Twenty-three received a first prize, 19 received a second prize, and 101 received an honorable mention in various categories.

Competing institutions were divided according to budget: museums with annual operating budgets of $500,000 or more and those with budgets of less than $500,000. Within each budget division, entries competed in 16 categories, including books, educational resources, newsletters, fund-raising materials, scholarly journals, and CD-ROMs.

The competition results will be featured in the July/August 2004 issue of AAM’s national magazine, Museum News, and on the Web at For more information, contact the app public affairs office at (805) 565-7057 or e-mail