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Chapel CDs Join Digital Music Revolution

iTunesThe app Worship Team has made the leap to iTunes. Music from all five chapel CDs dating back to 2004 are available for purchase and download through the iTunes Store.

Joel Patterson, app director of music and worship, says app now has a significant, permanent presence in the international music market and thus a greater presence in the world.

app’s 2009 chapel CD, “All the Saints,” features several heartfelt recordings of worship in the aftermath of November’s devastating Tea Fire. The album is a snapshot of app’s worshiping ethos and includes a special message from President Gayle D. Beebe about the fire.

The previous year’s CDs include “The Sea Will Resound” from 2008, “In the Sanctuary” from 2007, “Before All Things” from 2006 and “The Love of God” from 2004.