
Item Listing

Celebrating Outstanding 2024 Grads

Each year before Commencement, °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s annual reminds us of the joy of accomplishment and the opportunity we have to excel and fulfil the full range of gifts and abilities God has given us.

In the ancient world as now, excellence speaks to those who have persevered, who faced adversity, and who have risen above every challenge to cultivate the gifts God has given them,ā€ said President Gayle D. Beebe. ā€œIt is also an opportunity to honor those who work so hard and so well.ā€

Kim Denu, provost and dean of faculty, shared three principles for living a life of honor: serving others without recognition, honoring others even when feeling dishonored, and seeking to honor God in all things.

Each department chair announced their Outstanding Graduate Award winners in convocation on April 22 in Murchison Gym.

Here are the Outstanding Senior Award Winners:

Danielle Anderson
Danielle Anderson


Danielle Anderson of Palm Desert, is an ever-positive student in the classroom. Her kind and confident presence can ground an entire class. Danielle is tenacious in her studio workā€“Danielle understands that there are no shortcuts to producing great work; just steady, disciplined hours at the drawing board. She doesnā€™t shy away from what is required to create her finely crafted pieces, and this commitment to quality is just one of her strengths that makes her so deserving of this departmental honor. Her senior project celebrates the presence of the sacred in the midst of everyday spaces, a posture that she brings in her relational interactions as well, embodying Christlikeness in her daily life. We are grateful for the many ways that Danielle has contributed to the departmentā€™s creative culture both in the classroom and beyond.

Ben Buskirk
Ben Buskirk


Ben Buskirk of Phoenix, Arizona, is exemplary of a thoughtful academic. He integrates interdisciplinary knowledge and expresses deep appreciation for the Lordā€™s creation. As an Augustinian Scholar, Ben has a profound understanding of humanity and, simultaneously, a passion for natural science as a Biology Major. He seamlessly integrates these disciplines and often inspires his peers and professors with his well-considered ideas. Benā€™s passion for biology is evident; several faculty members in the department were impressed by Benā€™s active involvement in a variety of courses. In addition, Ben participated in a 10-week summer research program and shared his experiences about exploring the meaning of integrating faith with science in the Departmental Chapel. His sharing was inspirational and beautiful. In every aspect, Ben is an exceptional scholar who truly deserves recognition as one of the Outstanding Seniors in Biology.

Olivia Knapp
Olivia Knapp


Olivia Knapp of Soquel is a student for whom scholarship of the highest quality seems to come naturally. She listens, she reads, she seeks understanding in the classroom and in the field with quiet curiosity, creativity, precision and dedication. Her major honors project on the effects of urbanization on acorn woodpeckers is a testament to her excellent instincts for field work, her scientific acuity, her skillful interpretation of data, and her exceptional determination. Olivia is someone that has learned on a profound level to meet challenges, to dwell in them, and to rise above them, in a way that is inspiring to both professors and peers alike. We are so grateful for the way she has graced our department with her many and varied intellectual, spiritual, and creative gifts.



Lilia Allen
Lilia Allen


Lilia Allen of Olympia, Washington, has a record of impeccable work and utmost character. She is brilliant, responsible, and reliable. She excels in her classes producing work that professors uphold as the standard. She courageously engages in a graduate-level research project and has contributed to every aspect of it, from data collection to writing results. Even if she is unsure what to do next, she is willing to try things and through that has shown the ability to continuously learn. Her calm and steady presence makes it look easy. Of course, her achievements at this level are also evidence that her work ethic matches her ability. Additionally, she is gracious and unassuming and has demonstrated a heart for mentoring the generations of science students that follow her, which is demonstrated through her extensive commitments to serve as a TA in the chemistry department and as a volunteer with the science outreach organization, Boundless Brilliance.

Halle Booher
Halle Booher


Halle Booher of Bargersville, Indiana, is not just a brilliant student; she is an exceptional person. As a student, she is quick to grasp concepts and is clear and concise when writing, speaking, and asking questions. As a researcher, she developed an efficient low-temperature synthesis of a nickel-containing compound and discovered new compounds in which metals were held together by a combination of cyanide and carboxylic acids. However, whether in the classroom, lab, study abroad in Ireland, or leading worship at her church, her intellectual brilliance, industriousness, and efficiency are always overshadowed by joy, patience, curiosity, wonder, and care for others. Such a rare combination of intellect and character has produced a cacophony of praise from her chemistry professors, professors in other disciplines, and the many students she has served as a teaching assistant for the general chemistry; chemistry, culture, and the environment, and organic chemistry lab classes.

Sam Bek
Sam Bek


Sam Bek of San Jose is a deeply reflective and thoughtful person who thinks before he speaks, who is a keen observer of our faults and foibles, but loves us anyway, and who takes his studies very seriously, but knows better than to take himself too seriously. While traveling abroad to study conflict and reconciliation, Sam was a constant source of encouragement, patience, and cheerfulness. Just ask any of his fellow travelers.

Emily Derr
Emily Derr


Most know Emily Derr of Holland, Michigan, for her infectious laugh, her insightful questions, her wry side commentaries, her brilliant acting, and her commitment to being a top-notch scholar. Many of Emilyā€™s best qualities often occur or are portrayed as being at odds in one person. Emily is able to embody both careful, detail-oriented thinking and creative, out of the box dreaming, both gumption and humility, and both a friendly team spirit and a willingness to step out on faith and go it alone when necessary. She is a kind and loving person filled with a zest and joy for life.


Bailey Hall
Bailey Hall

Bailey Hall of Anthem, Arizona, has a vast academic prowess, and she touts a double major in Data Analytics and Mathematics with a Biblical Languages minor. Bailey has been active within the Mathematics and Computer Science Department, helping many of her fellow students through the program by serving as a department mentor and tutor. She has also pursued her own research, participating in a competitive NSF summer research program for undergraduates. It is difficult to find an area of °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp where Bailey has not been involved! She has worked at the CATLab in °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Downtown, was an RA, serves as the Equity and Diversity Manager for WCSA, and was even part of °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s fall musical, Godspell. She is unfailingly kind without being afraid to challenge the status quo when she realizes something is not right, either mathematically or socially. Baileyā€™s intellectual acumen and social acuity make any project she is a part of better.


Madison Huntington
Madison Huntington


Madison Huntington of Rocklin is obviously bright and capable. Her analysis is always on point. She has a growing ability to easily synthesize complex data into understandable summaries and she offers a unique perspective while cutting through the labyrinth of information and getting to the heart of the matter in just a few lines. Her tireless work ethic is evident in all she submits, and the overall quality of her workmanship is always consistent and superior. She is also an exceptional researcher, a stellar student, a double major, and has both sides of her brain working equally well. Madison possesses an amazing breadth of interests and understanding, clearly holds the respect and admiration of her peers. Finally, Madison is a person of extraordinary character and resolve. Put simply, Madison intends to make a difference. She shows up. She gently pushes. She attentively listens. She always seems intent on not only growing in her own wisdom but enabling others to grow with her, for which we are so appreciative.

Chloe Harber
Chloe Harber


Chloe Harber of Somis is an excellent student and Augustinian scholar who puts her heart and soul into everything she does. As a freshman, she came in with great enthusiasm for learning and approached a variety of challenging classes with curiosity and a smile. Throughout her time at °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp, that enthusiasm and engagement has not wavered and her professors note that she brings wonderful energy and humor to the classroom. Chloe is honest, quick to express her appreciation for others, and steadfast in her convictions--she does not shy away from difficult conversations. She also demonstrates her love for others through her work with off-campus ministries, volunteer hours in classrooms, and leadership in multiple clubs on campus. Chloeā€™s impact on the world will only continue to grow as she begins student teaching next year.

Christine Venzor
Christine Venzor


Christine Venzor of Santa Barbra is a highly motivated and collaborative learner. In the classroom, she leans into conversations and listens closely to her peers. Christine is passionate about music and is actively involved in the °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s music program and chapel band. She is also an exemplary student athlete who skillfully balances her academics with her dedication to tennis and rock climbing. In addition to her many accomplishments on campus, Christine cares deeply about education and has invested considerable energy into sharing her love of learning with children at Canalino Elementary School this year. We are excited for the ways that Christine will continue to influence lives as she begins the Teaching Credential Program at °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp next year.

Elijah Cicileo
Elijah Cicileo


Elijah Cicileo of Stockton is an absolutely fantastic engineer. He takes his notable academic ability and adds wonderful leadership skills, superb communication abilities and great organizational talent. He truly embodies the idea of an engineer that is made complete by their liberal arts training. In addition, his love for God and desire to serve others is a motivating example to those around him. The engineering faculty count it a privilege to have had the opportunity to work with Elijah.


Sam Johnston
Sam Johnston

Sam Johnstonā€™s enthusiasm for academic exploration is seemingly boundless. The Castle Pines, Colorado, resident has the models for usā€”her professors and her peersā€”the bearing and characteristics of a Christian scholar. Curious and fiercely intelligent, her academic acumen is only exceeded by her kindness and compassion. When Sam answers questions, she does so in a way that clarifies, challenges, and corrects faulty claims or hidden logical fallacies; and yet, the humility and genuine investment in the ideas and writers that we discuss together energizes our collective exploration of a text or idea. When Sam asks questions, we all find ourselves excited about the new critical paths that her thinking allows us to explore. Itā€™s clear that Samā€™s commitments to curiosity and critical thinking, alongside her passion for accessibility in education, will challenge, enrich, and inspire her future students. As she moves to graduate school, we pray that Samā€™s journey will be gratifying and worthy of her.

Madison Huntington
Madison Huntington


Madison Huntington of Rocklin is an excellent student. She will graduate this semester with an almost-perfect GPA, and given her intelligence and ferocious work ethic, this is not a surprise. She has double majored in History and Economics and Business, and slayed them both. Madison is also delightful. She is always a kind and sharp member of her classes, making life easier for her peers through her thoughtful comments and warm presence. After graduation, Madison will spend a year dancing ballet professionally before going to law school.

Simeon Michelson
Simeon Michelson


Simeon Michelson of Nashville, Tennessee, will finish °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp this semester with a major in history. Hailing from Tennessee, Simeon brought Southern charm to °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp, with a winsomeness and warmth to match his intelligence. He worked very hard, setting a bar which his peers have often only been able to admire. He has done so in the face of a series of health challenges, which make his accomplishments even more remarkable. This summer, he will travel to North Africa to continue work on his Arabic as a recipient of the Department of Stateā€™s Critical Language Scholarship.

Zach Hauw
Zach Hauw


Zach Hauw of San Ramon, contains a quiet composure that at times masks his pleasant and warm demeanor. Underneath his demeanor, he displays a highly motivated, competent, and committed work ethic that comes out in his coursework. Zach is always at the top of his class, excelling in all that he does. He also conveys a discernible maturity and measured posture towards his academic pursuits. I am confident that he will continue to succeed in all of his academic and career goals going forward.

Angela Tran
Angela Tran


Angela Tran of Ventura has a bright and curious mind. She is always engaged in class, asking probing questions that get her fellow students, and faculty, to think deeply. Not only that, Angela is caring and humble, always willing to help other students perform their best. Angela does this all with a joy that separates her from her peers, and makes her faculty glad to have her in class. Regardless of what is next, Angela will continue to be a success.

Sam Tang
Sam Tang


A widely quoted line from the movie Casablanca is ā€œPlay it again, Sam, for old timesā€™ sake.ā€ We wish we could have Sam Tang of Pasadena ā€œplay it againā€ by duplicating his time with us. He is a superb student, and recently had a paper accepted in a prestigious mathematical journal that he co-wrote with other research students. He also has a passion for serving our Lord and has used his programming expertise to help develop software for Wycliffe Bible Translators. Every Saturday he helps serve burritos in Alameda Park for unhoused people, and he tutors children of single mothers who live in Elizabeth House. Now, the line many have quoted from Casablanca was actually never said in that movie. It was, ā€œPlay it once, Sam.ā€ Sadly, we only get to have Sam Tang play it once for us, but we are confident that his service will continue in amazingly productive ways.

Daniel Macy
Daniel Macy


Daniel Macy of Rosamond has been an inspirational figure in the music department. He has balanced the demands of pursuing a double major in Music Performance and Political Science and has demonstrated his love for music by constantly challenging himself. As a musician he is passionate about not only cultivating the highest excellence on the violin but he also finds ways to lead his fellow students to a higher level of excellence. He has maintained curiosity and fascination in his studies which has led him to explore many genres and styles throughout his °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp education, pushing the boundaries and broadening his musical horizons. Also a disciplined and successful academic, Daniel has maintained a GPA that places him at the top of his class. He maintains a grateful and cheerful attitude which brings light and love into the lives of those who work, study and cross paths with him.

Emma Wu
Emma Wu


Emma Wu of Glendale is a double major in piano performance and economics and business. She has developed her piano technique, repertoire, and musical interpretations in the private lesson studio of Steve Hodson. Hodson reports appreciating many joyful hours working with Emma both as her piano teacher and her piano pedagogy course professor. Emma began studying piano at the age of 12 years old, winning multiple piano performance competitions during her high-school years. At °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp, she has flourished musically, winning in the music departmentā€™s annual concerto contest and performing a Chopin concerto movement with the °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Orchestra. As a musician, Emma works very hard and very effectively; when it comes time to perform, she presents highly challenging music with apparent ease and fabulous musicality. Emma is caring of others, exceedingly bright, and quite a fine wordsmith. In her free time, Emma enjoys reading, discovering new music, and watching cooking videos on YouTube.

Everett Reagan
Everett Reagan


The philosophy departmentā€™s outstanding graduating senior is Everett Reagan of Ventura. Everett stands out as a valuable philosophical discussant, capable philosophical writer, and responsible philosophical servant. You can count on Everett to make worthwhile contributions to philosophical conversations. He is willing and able to argue his case on a wide range of issues with insight, energy, and good humor. But he is also willing to listen carefully and receptively to other points of view in pursuit of the truth. Since Everett is also a history major and religious studies minor, he often enriches philosophical discussions with examples from the past and perspectives from Christian theology. Everett communicates effectively in writing as well. His essays are clear, well-organized, and thoughtfulā€”demonstrating a strong grasp of difficult philosophical material. Finally, the philosophy department has benefited from Everettā€™s service as president of the Phi Sigma Tau philosophy honor society and °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Philosophy Club. Congratulations, Everett!

Sean Ryan
Sean Ryan


Sean Ryan of San Diego has been an outstanding member of the cohort of physics majors and the °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp community as a whole. His love of physics and mathematics, along with an overarching passion for learning in general, has been evident throughout his coursework and research projects during his time here. Not only did he shine in producing problem-set solutions that were mathematically rigorous and elegant, but he also conducted laboratory experiments with precision and accuracy. These areas of giftedness extended to his time making valuable contributions to the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN during two separate summers. Exemplifying the liberal arts, Sean also excelled in musical productions, where he blessed the audience as a gifted singer in the °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Choir and Chamber Singers. Although he will be missed at °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp, we look forward to seeing how God continues to use him in powerful ways wherever He leads.

Bonnie Scott
Bonnie Scott


Bonnie Scott of Santa Barbara is the type of student all professors hope to have the opportunity to teach. She brings a natural maturity, thoughtfulness, and rigor to the classroom, elevating her own experience and that of her peers. Her contemplative nature, inquisitive mind, and unwavering principles make her stand out. She passionately advocates for justice, particularly concerning environmental and gender issues, showcasing her commitment to making a difference. Bonnieā€™s exceptional writing skills and prowess as a researcher set her apart, while her leadership among peers and consistent positive influence in the classroom are commendable. Moreover, her warm personality, kindness, and generosity make her highly approachable and respected by all. Regardless of where Bonnieā€™s future endeavors take her, one thing remains certain: her presence will enrich and bless those around her.

Anneline Breytenbach
Anneline Breytenbach


Anneline Breytenbach of Atascadero is a truly outstanding student, graduating with degrees in Behavioral Neuroscience (BS) and Chemistry (BS). Anneline exhibits remarkable intelligence, has performed exceptionally well in her coursework (4.0 GPA), and displays a mind capable of understanding complex biochemical processes and multi-faceted brain-behavior relationships. Her senior honors thesis examining the use of surgical masks to modify the physiological stress response has been executed at the graduate level and reflects unusual insight, creativity, and determination. Beyond her remarkable academic achievements, she has also been a great competitor with the °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Track and Field team and served as a volunteer in Cottage Hospitalā€™s Department of Neurology, where she showed advanced knowledge of complicated neurological conditions and effective collaboration within a clinical treatment team. Anneline is a uniquely talented, empathetic, and thoughtful student who represents the best features of the psychology department and °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp. We unequivocally anticipate Anneline making a significant contribution in her career in medicine.

Katie Knapp
Katie Knapp


The Religious Studies department is delighted to present Katie Knapp of Soquel as our Outstanding Senior. Katie is an extraordinary student. While her academic work is always outstanding and exudes her brilliant theological acumen, she is always thoughtful, considerate, and pastorally sensitive. Katie is theologically aware in her approach to her studies, her submitted work, and her life in the world. She asks the right questions, questions that provide fruitful and generative space for answers. Katie is a double major in Environmental Studies, has been a °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp sustainability intern and a member of the College Choir/ Chamber Singers, served as a Resident Chaplain, interned at a local church, and participated in two study abroad programs. Katie won the Great Lake Theology Conference paper prize (held at Western Theological Seminary last fall) and is doing her major honors project on the environmental teaching of the early church fathers. Next fall, she will start her graduate program at Duke Divinity School.

Susanna Talbot
Susanna Talbot


Susanna Talbot of Jakarta, Indonesia, epitomizes the character of a social science major, eagerly and ably diving into multiple subjects. Susie is highly motivated and has a knack for making connections across disciplines. These insights serve Susie and her peers well, as her thoughtful insights always enrich class discussion. Susie is also not afraid to ask hard questions, challenging those around her to contemplate pressing issues at a deeper level. Susie is also a tireless worker and enjoys challenging herself with new ideas. Beyond this, Susie is a compassionate and kind person who is well-respected and admired by all. We are honored to recognize Susieā€™s scholarship and her integrity and leadership here on campus. Congratulations Susie!

Mackinzie Warne-McGraw
Mackinzie Warne-McGraw


Mackinzie Warne-McGraw of Tumwater, Washington, has a searching mind and a yearning spirit, bringing mature self-reflection and a well-developed talent for interrogating social problems to her academic work. A confident self-starter and courageous risk taker, Kinzie has served as a four-year research assistant in the °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp sociology department while participating in two study abroad programs. In Uganda, she supported HIV/AIDS, COVID, and Ebola prevention efforts while conducting health, sanitation, and nutrition needs and asset assessments. In San Francisco, she interned in a Chinese Medicine clinic, providing hands-on treatment to women with endometriosis while learning about injustices related to complex reproductive health conditions. She has volunteered throughout her college years with the Days for Girls organization, assisting with womenā€™s reproductive health needs in rural Ecuador. This Fall, Kinzie will be attending UC Berkeleyā€™s Master of Public Health program in Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health.

Riley Potter
Riley Potter


A double major in Spanish and Sociology and a minor in Global Studies, Riley Potter of Cheney, Washington, embodies passion, engagement, and curiosity. A tenacious student with a genuine love for learning (she even audits classes above her regular 22-unit load!), she thinks deeply, speaks boldly, writes with elegance, and listens with compassion and empathy. Rileyā€™s excellence and influence, however, extend far beyond the walls of the classroom: whether interning at Immigrant Hope in Santa Barbara or the Migrant House in QuerĆ©taro, Mexico; serving as a leader of the Feminist Society or White Students for Racial Justice, Rileyā€™s compassionate heart and drive for justice are evident to all. A Fulbright semi-finalist, Riley hopes to work in Mexico next year or to serve on the Peace Corps. We know that wherever Riley Potter goes, she will surely make an impact.

Ford Sachsenmaier
Ford Sachsenmaier


Ford Sachsenmaier of Colorado Springs is the Theatre Art Departmentā€™s Outstanding Senior for 2024. Fordā€™s exemplary aesthetic sensibilities; incisive, inquisitive scholarship; and deep communal values combine to form an exceptional theatre artistic-scholar. Heā€™s done it all at °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp: played numerous leading roles with gusto; directed with skill, brio, and gentleness; led the Fringe with aplomb; and excelled in studio and classroom. Heā€™s trustworthy, faithful, and motivated. Heā€™s sensitive to the needs of those around him and leads through example, conviction, and love. Heā€™s funny in the hallway. Weā€™ve told him that he canā€™t leave. Heā€™s a little sad about this, but he rolls with punches so easily and lightly that we feel heā€™ll get over it soon, that is, if he hasnā€™t already. Congratulations, Ford!!