
Item Listing

Career Counseling Workshop Features

Howard Figler, Ph.D., a nationally known speaker, author and seminar leader, will teach a workshop for career professionals and students, “Essence and Ego: Is it Your Career or Theirs?” 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 7 in the Founders Room in Kerr Student Center.

Ego can be a voracious devourer of career energy, Figler says. People may give themselves over so much to achieving external career success that they lose sight of who they are. This can be a significant loss, to the individuals and the world they live in. People who reclaim greater measures of Essence in their careers gain the pleasure of being who they knew all along they were meant to be.

In the workshop, Figler will call attention to the many ways that Ego influences career decisions and creates unnecessary anxiety, and offer ways that participants can access their Essence more fully and make choices that represent their more authentic selves.

This is a workshop format that actively involves all participants both in self-examination and in ways to include this approach in their own career counseling.

Figler has worked in the career development field for 28 years. He was director of the Career Center at the University of Texas at Austin from 1982 to 1990. Among his seven books is the best-selling “The Complete Job-Search Handbook,” which has been featured nationally by the Quality Paperback Book Club. He is co-author (with Richard Bolles) of “The Career Counselor's Handbook.” His most recent book is “Keys To Liberal Arts Success.”

Registration costs $80, ($60 for career counseling students), and includes a continental breakfast and lunch. To register, go to: For more information, call the app Career and Life Planning office at (805) 565-6031.