
Item Listing

Author Lucado Explores Life of Faith

Andrea Lucado
Andrea Lucado

Christian nonfiction author Andrea Lucado, daughter of bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado, discusses the twists and turns of a life of faith on Thursday, Jan. 25, at 7 p.m., in app’s Adams Center 216. The talk, part of the app Reading Series, is free and open to the public.

Andrea, author of the memoir “English Lessons: The Crooked Path of Growing Toward Faith,” earned a master’s degree in English literature from Oxford Brookes University. She has also written “He Fights for You: Promises for Everyday Battles,” “Praying the Promises: Anchor Your Life to Unshakable Hope” and contributes regularly to online and print publications such as Relevant magazine and She Reads Truth.

Brenna Ritchey, a junior English major, will precede Andrea and read one of her original short stories.