
°µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Magazine The °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Fund

The °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Fund provides a dependable stream of income to °µĶų±¬ĮĻappā€™s operating budget, enabling the college to carry out its mission each year. The capital campaign helped annual giving rise to new levels. Replacing these funds would require more than $30 million in additional endowment. To support the life-changing ministry of a high-quality undergraduate liberal arts education rooted in Christ, the °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Fund supports the following priorities:

ā€¢ Attracting and educating a diverse, highly qualified student body

ā€¢ Recruiting and retaining the finest faculty

ā€¢ Housing students in a residential learning environment

ā€¢ Ensuring the technology and facilities that allow °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp to offer an exceptional college experience

ā€˜I wish each of you were able to occasionally sit in on our Presidentā€™s Associates Steering Committee meetings. We almost always hear from a current student about his/her life story, and particularly how God directed their steps to °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp. We hear about the sacrifices that students and their families often make to pay for a °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp education. And we hear how grateful students are for the investment in their lives made possible by the faithful generosity of hundreds of alumni, parents and friends of °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp. Most of us are in tears at the end of these testimonies, and it indeed inspires our activities. We can lose sight of the lives we touch in our efforts to support the annual fund, which we call the °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Fund. A significant portion of this fund goes directly to student financial aid, which is so critically important in the lives of these young people. Thatā€™s why my wife, Wendy, and I make it a priority in our personal giving strategy. It is a privilege to be part of these stories of Godā€™s provision in these lives. I wish you could hear them . . .ā€

ā€” Bob Ludwick ā€™74, Chair, Presidentā€™s Associates Steering Committee

ā€˜In my persuasion and propaganda class, it is helpful to ā€œseeā€ persuasion and propaganda, such as Nazi materials and cigarette ads. The big screen, the projection from a computer and the Internet connection in ā€œsmartā€ classrooms help me to integrate useful and vivid examples ā€” and work much better than traditional overhead projectors.

In my communication research class, students must enter data into SPSS. By projecting what I am doing on my computer they can see what to do themselves. Many bring their laptops to class and follow along.

The projection saves money, and itā€™s better for the environment. I make fewer photocopies for handouts and print out fewer overheads.

When I ask students to do a rhetorical analysis of advertising themes, many choose to do a multimedia presentation. They come up with some high-quality presentations! Some are short documentaries and very professionally done. My presentation in class sets a standard for them, and they gain valuable experience working with different kinds of technology. As we raise the bar on acceptable student work, we inadvertently raise it for professors, too.

I hope the day comes when all classrooms are ā€˜smart.ā€™ Iā€™m thankful the °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp Fund helps provide technology in ways that increase knowledge, retention and understanding.ā€

ā€” Communication Studies Professor Deborah Dunn

ā€˜One important benefit of the money gained through the capital campaign is the ability it gives the college to host high-quality public lectures. These events are not only important for building a sense of community ā€” both on and off campus ā€” but are also crucial for nurturing a lively and well-informed intellectual climate here at °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp. In October 2002 the college was privileged to host Lamin Sanneh, the D. Willis James Professor of Mission and World Christianity at Yale Divinity School. Sanneh addressed our faculty forum, spoke in chapel, gave a public lecture at First Presbyterian Church in Santa Barbara, and participated in a four-member panel, held at °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp, on ā€œTolerance and Militancy in Contemporary Islam and Christianity.ā€ Each event was well attended and well received by students and the larger community. Sannehā€™s visit has launched our lecture series, ā€œWorld Christianity and Global Encounters of the 21st Century.ā€ We eagerly await the next lecture from Edinburghā€™s Andrew Walls in January.ā€

ā€” History Professor Chandra Mallampalli

ā€˜Every semester I face a big challenge: paying for my education. Thanks to a °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp scholarship, I have been able to stay through three semesters ā€” and I hope to stretch that to four years. If Iā€ˆhad gone to UC Irvine, which offered me a full ride, or any of the other UC campuses that accepted me (including UCLA), college would have cost much less. But I would not have grown so much or learned to put my full trust in God every day.

I feel so fortunate to be at °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp, which is top-rated academically and a place where I can be involved in on-campus accountability groups and Bible studies. Sports are important to me, and Iā€™m thankful to be on the soccer team.

°µĶų±¬ĮĻapp can only be a top institution academically if it attracts the top kids. Most students who get scholarships here were offered assistance at state schools where the cost is cheaper. To be the best, °µĶų±¬ĮĻapp has to give students an incentive to come here by providing adequate aid. Iā€™m grateful for my scholarship ā€” itā€™s why Iā€™m here.ā€

ā€” Joshua Cox ā€™05, Presidential Scholar, economics and business/communication studies double major