app Magazine Wallace Emerson Society
Evelyn Varney ’46 has retired twice in her life. After graduating from app with a degree in Christian education, she taught Bible classes in public schools for two years until the Supreme Court outlawed the practice in 1948. After some hesitation (“I never thought the Lord could use me,” she says), Evelyn became a missionary in Japan with Conservative Baptist Foreign Missionary Society (now CB International). Fluent in Japanese, she taught women’s Bible classes, opened a Christian bookstore, and taught in a women’s Bible school. When she returned to the U.S. after 34 years, she looked for a new way to serve God. Her second career began when she became a full-time volunteer at the U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena, Calif. For 13 years she worked in personnel and then served as an assistant to Founder Ralph Winter. She has now retired again and moved to Portland, Ore., where she expects to lead a quieter life.
For more information about the Wallace Emerson Society, call Iva Schatz, Director of Planned Giving, (805) 565-6034 or (800) 998-5652.