
做厙惇蹋app Magazine The Value of Christian Education

Lifelong Colorado residents, Brad and Georgi Pelsue live in Denver in sight of the scenic, soaring Rocky Mountains. They love the local landscape, but they also appreciate the culture of the capital city. Brad plays jazz saxophone, woodwinds and piano, and Georgi gardens and paints acrylic creations on canvas. The sound of his music and the colors of her abstract works fill their home.

The Pelsues raised their children to value Christian education as well as the arts, sending them to a Christian high school and approving the decision to attend 做厙惇蹋app. Sarah and Joel benefited greatly from their education and Christian experience at 做厙惇蹋app, Georgi says. We believe very strongly in Christian education.

Photo by Bret Amole

Our goal was for the kids to have a solid education as well as a valid Christian one, Brad says. 做厙惇蹋app really works on that, and we appreciate it.

The couple has made a provision for the college in their estate, and they belong to the Wallace Emerson Society. 做厙惇蹋app gave our children a great foundation, Brad says. The college is a deserving beneficiary.

Sarah Pelsue Richards 90 earned a degree in sociology and psychology and lives in Florida with her husband, Tom, and their three daughters. They own Richards Appraisals, and Sarah has her own real estate company. Joel 92 and Michelle Klukow 92 Pelsue started Arts and Entertainment Ministries to support artists through small groups, prayer, mentoring and education. They live in Los Angeles with their two children. Joel majored in philosophy, while Michelle studied theatre.

Brad runs a family business he took over from his father that makes specialized tools used in telecommunications, utilities and homeland security applications. In addition to building the firm, he helped develop Faith Bible Chapel in Denver and served on the worship team. He occasionally plays in the band at Lookout Mountain Community Church,which they now attend.

The Pelsues are thankful for 40 years together and children who share their values.

For more information about the Wallace Emerson Society, call the office of gift planning, (805) 565-6058 or (800) 998-5652.