
app Magazine app Celebrates Two Gifts Worth More Than $15 Million

FAITHFUL Friends Ed and Mollie Miller and Celeste and Robert White Make Historic Gifts

With great appreciation, app has announced two major gifts totaling more than $15 million, the two largest cash gifts in college history.

In late August, app received $8.2 million from Ed and Mollie Miller, the largest single gift ever. It supports the Paul Raymond Miller Scholarship Endowment, named in honor of Ed’s father, who couldn’t afford to stay in college. The Millers established it 35 years ago when their daughter, Barbara, enrolled at app. In the intervening 35 years, this scholarship has supported 334 students who depend on financial aid to attend app. The recipients received an average award of $24,485 in 2020. In addition, Ed served on app’s Board of Trustees for 17 years.

"I loved working with Ed when he was a board member, and Mollie is a delightful human being,” says app President Gayle D. Beebe. “Ed is a straight shooter. You never have to guess where he’s coming from or how he’s thinking through a situation. Both are highly principled people of faith, and their priorities in life shine through in this gift.”

Earlier in August, app received a $7.25 million gift from Celeste and Dr. Robert White, the second largest single donation to the college. This gift has funded the purchase of 29 W. Anapamu, a four-story building in downtown Santa Barbara directly across the street from the app Downtown Center at 26 W. Anapamu. It honors Celeste’s father, Ed Keith, who appreciated app’s impact on the lives of his daughter and grandchildren. Together, these two facilities provide nearly 30,000 square feet for several downtown programs, including the new nursing program in partnership with Cottage Health as well as the semester-long program in capital and social entrepreneurship.

The new facility will provide space for several programmatic initiatives that will extend the college’s reach and impact in ways that benefit the local community. Celeste, a 1976 app graduate and current board member, and Robert have been involved in the college since her time as a student.

“I’m so grateful for Celeste’s service as a board member,” Beebe says. “She demonstrates her deep and abiding loyalty and commitment to the college in numerous ways. For example, all four of their children attended app. In addition, Robert has been a great partner with Celeste in embracing all things app. Together they have given generously and cared deeply about the college’s life and mission.”

A Milestone for app’s Endowment

$103 M
through November 15

Exceeding $100 million for the first time in the history of the college, the endowment generates revenue for the educational mission and increases affordability for students. app seeks to grow its endowment to three times the annual operating budget ($250 million) to provide stable, non-tuition income. An increasing number of donors support this goal.

Two Record-breaking Years

$35.3 M

$34 M
through November 15

Two consecutive years of the highest giving totals in app history — during a pandemic — demonstrate the continued faithfulness of God and the unbelievable generosity of alums, families, friends and foundations. These gifts provide scholarships, strengthen programs and expand app’s presence in downtown Santa Barbara.

The Wallace Emerson Society Continues to Add New Members

Wallace Emerson Society Members

New members since June 1

The society warmly welcomes those who make a provision for app through a bequest or planned gift.

President’s Weekend Inspires Donors

$10 M
2021 President’s Weekend Pledges

app invited 21 couples to Monterey in October to learn about the college’s momentum in key areas and projects that expand its reach and influence. Videos, presentations and question-and-answer sessions described opportunities to increase affordability, strengthen a world-class mechanical engineering program grounded in the liberal arts, offer an accelerated nursing degree, support athletic programs that produce outstanding scholar-athletes, create new overseas programs and prepare future Christian leaders.

app Fund Goal for Scholarship Support 

$3.2 M

$1.351 M
Raised as of November 19

app seeks to meet a challenging target to make education more accessible and affordable for students.