
app Magazine Supporting Their Values by Giving to app

For 43 years, Jim Fisher has advised businesses, organizations and individuals about financial planning through his firm, Trinity Financial Partners. “Apply-ing charitable tools through estate planning can be the most efficient and effective way to help people support what they believe in,” he says. In their own estate, Jim and his wife, Marcia, have made a provision for app, the college their three children attended.

“Sending all three kids to app was the best decision we ever made,” Marcia says. “The influence professors had on our children will last a lifetime—they got to our kids’ hearts. They all had so much fun and learned so much, especially how to live life.”

“We’ve seen how the Lord multiplies the remarkable educational disciplines that take place at app,” Jim says. “It’s a joy to support an organization seeking after the Lord, growing the Kingdom of God and multiplying his grace in the world.”

Mike ’89 owns Fisher Computer Consulting and resides with his wife, Melissa Roth Fisher ’90, vice president of credit for Strada Capital Corp., in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., with their two children. Fred ’92 and Kathryn Dorchak ’95 Fisher live in Santa Barbara. Fred founded Trinity Capital Manage-ment, a sister company to his father’s. Katie is a physical therapist who stays home to care for their two children.

Lynne Fisher Asfahl ’94 was com-pleting a doctorate in psychology, awarded honorarily, before she died from cancer in 2011. Her teenage daugh-ter, Perrin, lives with Jim and Marcia.

“The spiritual training our children received is just as important as the intel-lectual,” Marcia says. The Fishers have a long history of servant leadership in couples ministry, Bible Study Fellowship and Crown Financial. Their sons and their wives are also involved in ministry. Mike and Melissa work with junior and senior high youth groups, and Fred and Katie volunteer for Young Life.

“app equips students with the tools they need to meet all the real challenges of life,” Jim says.