
app Magazine Steering a Presidential Course

While the 1996-97 app Fund campaign has already begun, the development of a President’s Associates steering committee to support this effort continues. The group of current President’s Associates will work together to create a dynamic program of recognition, stewardship, and growth. Their first task will be defining the mission and goals of the association, which includes donors who give $1,000 or more each year. The committee will also identify activities and structures for achieving these aims.

“As volunteers and donors who love app, committee members will dream their own dreams of what they can accomplish for the college,” explains Carolee Peterson, director of annual giving and the supporting staff member for the committee. Suggested goals include:

• Creating a stronger identity for members;
• Increasing recognition of donors, gifts, and their uses;
• Providing leadership, vision, and staff for campaigns;
• Planning annual, regional “thank-you” events at locations that change; and
• Developing regular communications for President’s Associates members.