
Sources on Plagiarism

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Academic dishonesty: What OSU faculty should know (2001, December 7). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. Retrieved May 15, 2002:

Bates, P., & Fain, M. (1999, March 5). Detecting plagiarized papers (rev. 2002, January 30). Coastal Carolina University. Retrieved from World Wide Web, May 27, 2002:

Bowden, D. (1996). Stolen voices: Plagiarism and authentic voice. Composition Studies/Freshman English News, 24(1-2), 5-18.

Harris, R. (2000, October 2). Anti-plagiarism strategies for research papers. Costa Mesa: CA: Vanguard University. Retrieved October 31, 2000:

Hinchliffe, L. J. (1999, January 6). Cut-and-paste plagiarism: Preventing, detecting and tracking online plagiarism. Retrieved October 31, 2000:

The Learning Skills Centre. (1999, January 31). Plagiarism. Prince George, BC: The University of Northern British Columbia. Retrieved November 20, 1999:

Leland, B. (2000 February 22). Plagiarism and the Web. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois University. Retrieved October 31, 2000:

Murray, B. (2002, February). Keeping plagiarism at bay in the Internet age. Monitor on Psychology, 22-24.

Oliphant, T. (2002, March 12). Detecting plagiarism. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta. Retrieved May 15, 2002:

Oliphant, T. (2001a, November, 1). Preventing plagiarism. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta. Retrieved May 15, 2002:

Oliphant, T. (2001b, November, 1). Why students plagiarize. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta. Retrieved May 15, 2002:

Regent College (2001, October 10). Academic policies. Vancouver, BC: Regent College. Retrieved May 27, 2002:

Roig, M. (1999). When college students' attempts at paraphrasing become instances of potential plagiarism. Psychological Reports, 84, 973-982.

Ryan, J. J. C. H. (1998, December). Student plagiarism in an online world. Prism online. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Engineering Education. Retrieved November 21, 1999:

Saupe, K. (1998, September 7). Plagiarism policy. Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin College English Department. Retrieved November 20, 1999:

Standing, L. G., & Gorassini, D. (1986). An evaluation of the Cloze procedure as a test for plagiarism. Teaching of Psychology, 13(3), 130-132.

Standler, R. B. (2000). Plagiarism in colleges in USA. Retrieved May 27, 2002:

Student Judicial Affairs. (1999 October). Avoiding plagiarism: Mastering the art of scholarship. Davis, CA: UC Davis. Retrieved October 31, 2000:

Tamashiro, R. (1998, April 2). Guiding students in web-based research projects. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), March, 1998, Washington, D.C. Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Retrieved November 20, 1999:

VanderMey, R., Meyer, V., Van Rys, J., Kemper, D., & Sebranek, P. (2004). The college writer: A guide to thinking, writing, and researching. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Wilhoit, S. (1994). Helping students avoid plagiarism. College Teaching, 42(4), 161-165. Retrieved from Academic Search Elite, EBSCOHost, June 4, 2002:

Williams, S. (1996, June 26). Avoiding plagiarism. Clinton, NY: Hamilton College. Retrieved November 20, 1999:

Writing Tutorial Services: Writing Resources. (1998, August 10). Plagiarism: What it is and how to recognize and avoid it. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University. Retrieved November 20, 1999:

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