
Student Life Handbook: Policies and Procedures Sexual Activity Outside of Marriage

At °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp, we are committed to helping our students develop Christ-like maturity in all areas of their lives, which includes helping students make wise and biblical decisions regarding sexual activity. The Community Life Statement reflects the college’s understanding of Scripture, which is the church’s historic, classical interpretation of marriage and sexual fidelity. In regard to sexual activity, the college will not condone practices that Scripture forbids, including sexual relations outside of marriage between persons of opposite sex or persons of the same sex. Additionally, conduct promoting such intimacy between unmarried persons (i.e., nudity, lying in bed together) is unacceptable behavior and private situations that foster such behavior should be avoided. Members of the °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp community who choose to marry are expected to abide by the commitment to lifelong heterosexual marriage, and whether single or married, to strive to maintain healthy family relationships.

°µÍø±¬ÁÏapp believes the best place to navigate these issues of sexuality, including sexual identity, is in Christian community and that students are best supported if they are able to share their questions, struggles, or their self-understanding with trusted others, including those in Student Life and Residence Life. Concerns about sexuality may be difficult to disclose, but struggling in silence is a far greater challenge. In all such personal issues, Student Life and Residence Life staff members are committed to discretion, sensitivity, compassion, and redemptive actions. Additionally, confidential assistance is available through °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp’s Counseling and Psychological Services. When a student approaches us and communicates that he or she is struggling with sexual purity or same-sex attraction or behavior, we aim to offer safety that promotes openness, to communicate personal acceptance, and to provide accountability and assistance to support students to live consistently with biblical teaching.

All members of the °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp Community are expected to treat one another with respect, dignity and Christ-like compassion. Insults, slurs and other forms of derogatory, disrespectful or flippant speech have no place in a Christian community. The college is committed to protecting individuals from harassment and retaliation based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. Refer to °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp’s Bias, Harassment and Discrimination Policy and Procedures for more information.