
app Magazine Revised Plan Wins Praise

New Concept for the Updated Master Plan Gains Support
A detail from the recently designed proposed chapel/auditorium

County officials and college neighbors have enthusiastically supported a revision of the campus Master Plan. After receiving feedback and recommendations from decision makers in May, app asked for a break in the hearings to develop a fresh new plan that incorporates comments and better serves the college in future years.

Talented Santa Barbara architects David VanHoy and Ken Radtkey joined app’s design team with astonishing results. The reworked plan uses impressive architectural features to highlight the historic Kerrwood gardens and other open space. The architects designed buildings that use materials on campus such as Santa Barbara sandstone.

New “green” buildings will descend from the library. The layering effect enhances views while maximizing natural light and ventilation. The tops of the roofs will contain low-growing vegetation surrounded by weathered copper so they will blend in. Many of the larger buildings were moved east away from neighbors, and all comply with new Montecito height limitations.