
Psychology Bachelor of Science, Behavioral Neuroscience Track

Requirements equal approximately 64 units Units
Required Lower-Division Courses: 3 courses  
  (To be completed by the end of the sophomore year.)  
  PSY 001 General Psychology 4
  MA 005 Introduction to Statistics 4
  PSY 013/013L Research Methods in Psychology & Lab 4
Required Upper-Division PSY courses: for a minimum of 32 units  
  PSY 111 History and Systems of Psychology 4
  PSY 125/125L Behavioral Neuroscience & Lab 4
  One of the following Capstone options: for a minimum of 4 units
    PSY 197, 198 Capstone Senior Research in Psychology I,II* 2, 2
    PSY 199 Major Honors* 4
  Courses from the following: for a minimum of 4 units  
    PSY 120/120L Cognitive Psychology & Lab 4
    PSY 123/123L Clinical Neuropsychology & Lab 4
    PSY 124/124L Sensation and Perception & Lab 4
  Courses from the following: for a minimum of 8 units  
    PSY 117 Lifespan Development 4
    PSY 118 Marriage 101 4
    PSY 122 Social Psychology 4
    PSY 131 Abnormal Psychology 4
    PSY 132 Cultural Psychology 4
    PSY 140 Personality 4
    PSY 141 Fundamentals of Clinical & Counseling Psychology 4
  Additional Upper-Divison PSY Electives: for a minimum of 8 units**
Required Courses from Other Disciplines: 5 courses  
  MA 009 Elementary Calculus I 4
  BIO 005 General Biology I 4
  BIO 006 General Biology II 4
  CHM 005 General Chemistry I 4
  CHM 006 General Chemistry II 4

*PSY 197/198/199 projects must be on approved topics in behavioral neuroscience.
**No more than 4 units of PSY 192 Individual Research can be applied to the major.

See catalog for details

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