
Psychology Bachelor of Arts

Requirements equal approximately 48 units Units
Required Lower-Division Courses: 3 courses  
  (To be completed by the end of the sophomore year.)  
  PSY 001 General Psychology 4
  MA 005 Introduction to Statistics 4
  PSY 013/013L Research Methods in Psychology & Lab 4
Recommended: Courses from related fields; biology, anatomy and physiology; sociology; additional statistics or mathematics; computer science.  
Required Upper-Division Courses: for a minimum of 36 units  
  PSY 111 History and Systems of Psychology 4
  One course from the following: for a minimum of 4 units  
    PSY 120/120L Cognitive Psychology & Lab 4
    PSY 123/123L Clinical Neuropsychology & Lab 4
    PSY 124/124L Sensation and Perception & Lab 4
    PSY 125/125L Behavioral Neuroscience & Lab 4
  Courses from the following: for a minimum of 8 units  
    PSY 117 Lifespan Development 4
    PSY 118 Marriage 101 4
    PSY 122 Social Psychology 4
    PSY 131 Abnormal Psychology** 4
    PSY 132 Cultural Psychology 4
    PSY 140 Personality 4
    PSY 141 Fundamentals of Clinical & Counseling Psychology** 4
  One of the following Capstone options: for a minimum of 4 units  
    PSY 196 Capstone Senior Practicum in Psychology 4
    PSY 197, 198 Capstone Senior Research in Psychology I, II 2, 2
  Additional Upper-Division PSY Electives: for a minimum of 16 units*  

*No more than 4 units of PSY 192 Individual Research can be applied to the major.
**PSY 131 to be taken no later than Sophomore year; PSY 141 to be taken no later than Junior year to fulfill requirements for Capstone Senior Practicum in Psychology.

Students who expect to pursue graduate school in psychology are strongly encouraged to take Capstone Senior Research in Psychology and if graduate school goals involve areas of psychology such as Clinical or Counseling Psychology, Capstone Senior Practicum in Psychology also. Practicum is also excellent preparation for those intending to begin their careers immediately after graduation.

See catalog for details

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