
°µÍø±¬ÁÏapp Magazine A Presidential Presence

Who are the President’s Associates, and what makes them so important to °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp’s future? Anyone who gives $1,000 or more to the college each year qualifies as a President’s Associate. These donors contribute a significant percentage of the amount °µÍø±¬ÁÏapp receives each year and so support the college’s important ministry of higher education.

<p.During the last fiscal year (1994-95), 66 new members joined the President’s Associates. Volunteers who serve on the President’s Associates Steering Committee call President’s Associates members to ask for gifts and thank them for their support. Their efforts are essential to the group’s success.

President’s Associates Steering Committee

Jerry Cowan
Alex M. Dodds ’64
Diane L. Dodds
Donald G. Erickson ’76
Brad Fredrickson ’80
Anna Grotenhuis
Robert T. Ludwick ’74
Phyllis Marble
David F. Neunuebel
Robyn Palmquist ’78
Rodney A. Snider ’75