

Andrew Dean Mullen, Ph.D.

Professor of Education
(805) 565-6288

Office Location

Porter Center #3

Office Available

Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m; or by appointment.  In all cases, an email in advance is recommended.


History of American Education, Curriculum and Instruction in History/Social Studies

Research Interests
  • Nationalism and cosmopolitanism in American education
  • Children’s literature
  • The history of teaching history.

Andrew Mullen started teaching Vacation Bible School at the age of 14, and hasn’t stopped teaching since. After receiving his elementary credential, he taught 4th and 5th grades for three years in the public schools of Colorado Springs, CO, and taught history for four years at the Collegiate School in Louisville, KY. He earned a Ph.D. in the history of education and history/social studies curriculum from Columbia University. He recently served as chair of the joint NCSS-Children’s Book Council Committee, a group that publishes annual reviews of outstanding children’s books in the area of history and geography. 

Professor teaching students about nature