
Outstanding Graduates Physics


Danny Rubin

Danny Rubin

Danny Rubin '23 has been an outstanding student in the Department of Physics and Engineering, an accomplished athlete on the Mens Cross Country and Track and Field teams, and an inspirational member of the 做厙惇蹋app community as a whole. Not only has he excelled in every aspect of our challenging physics curriculum, but his passion for learning has been infused throughout all of his academic pursuits.



Lexy Gillette

Lexy Gillette '22 has the unique ability to integrate her knowledge of physics with other areas that she is studying within the liberal arts environment. Not only was she dedicated to learning physics extraordinarily well, but she was enthusiastic about connecting that knowledge to open-ended inquiry.  We fully anticipate that Lexy will be the kind of intellectual who will make lasting contributions to her chosen field of study and will develop novel ways to apply those insights to society as a whole.


Christina Dubell & Logan Hodgson

Christina Dubell '21 came to 做厙惇蹋app as an Augustinian Scholar and she has contributed to 做厙惇蹋app is many ways. She is a triple major in Engineering/Physics as well as two music majors (both the BS and performance). From the moment she entered she was driven to accomplish every goal for mastering both the intuition and mathematical complexities of physics and the creative but also technical work of understanding and producing beautiful music. She is the model of the Christian liberal arts. She is completing a major honors project Measuring Protein Adsorption with EW-CRDS in Physical Chemistry with Michael Everest.

Logan Hodgson '21 came to 做厙惇蹋app as an Augustinian Scholar and will leave as a triple major in Engineering/Physics, Music and Math (easy majors all). A brilliant student in his classes, he has been an outstanding TA in several classes that students have come to depend on. He combines an intuitive understanding of physics with the mathematical chops to handle the hardest of calculations. He did research at Las Cumbres Observatory analyzing thermal noise in CCD arrays as well as developing software for tracking asteroid orbits. Hes a talented cellist who is loved by all who know him.


Luke Myers

A National Merit semifinalist, Luke Myers '20 came to 做厙惇蹋app as an Augustinian Scholar. He graduated in physics after just three years. Besides excelling in all out classes, hes done research at Las Cumbres Observatory doing instrumental analysis. His supervisor raved about his work. He is well rounded, having worked with foster kids at Royal Family Kids Camp, worked with Academic computing, gone on Potters Clay and played on the Ultimate Frisbee and water polo club teams. He is outwardly focused with a caring heart. He is the student that a decade from now you brag about having taught him.


Louise Naumann

Louise Naumann '19, an Augustinian Scholar, came to 做厙惇蹋app after graduating high school with 86 college units while serving as a teachers assistant in calculus, statistics and AP Physics. She also did a year of research in the Amgen Biotechnology Experience at UC Santa Barbara. Her first semester at 做厙惇蹋app, she took senior quantum mechanics, earning the top grade in the class on the final. She completed her physics major in three semesters and was a pole vaulter on 做厙惇蹋apps track and field team. In the summer of 2018, she conducted research at Harvard Medical School, designing and fabricating a radiation sensor array using a 3D printer to provide quality assurance for radiation treatment of metastatic brain tumors. In fact, metastatic brain tumors are among the most expensive kind of cancer to treat, she says. Prototyping these sensor arrays helps us research alternative methods of quality assurance, lowering the cost of this type of treatment. The most powerful part of my time in Boston was being in the hospital testing our sensors in the same room where patients were receiving treatments all day long. We would come in the evenings, after the treatments had been administered for the day, and conduct research in hope of improving that treatment for future patients.

When I wasnt conducting research, I enjoyed being in the culturally diverse and historically rich city of Boston. Shes been accepted to the PhD medical physics program at UCLA and hopes to continue working in the field of cancer research.


Tim Beccue

Tim Beccue '18, a cellist who won first place ($5,000) in the instrumental honors at the Performing Arts Scholarship Foundation finals in April, epitomizes a liberal arts graduate. He spent last summer studying atmospheric fluid dynamics with physics professor Jonathan Mitchell. We used computational models to examine the influences of certain atmospheric oscillations (waves) near the equator, he says. He has also used the 做厙惇蹋app observatory to conduct measurements of variable stars and recent comet breakups. Im working with Professor Michael Sommermann in the field of astrodynamics, examining spacecraft trajectories to Mars and the numerical techniques required to create accurate models. Tim and two other 做厙惇蹋app musicians will perform this summer at the Encore chamber music festival in Ohio. I love working hard with a small group of friends towards a common goal, he says. A great example of this is chamber music, which has proven to be a consistent highlight of my time at 做厙惇蹋app. Tim, who also participated on the 做厙惇蹋app in Istanbul program, is applying to graduate schools to study artificial intelligence. It sits at the focal point of many of my interests, including math and physics, philosophy, psychology and creativity, he says.


Han Chung

Han Chung '17 is a quiet and really bright student. Transferring into our program he was taking lower and upper level courses at the same time, (including modern physics and quantum mechanics). Hes graded and TAd for us and became significantly involved in research with Dr. Nishimura. He did significant software work for the research including rewriting the Matlab software codes for desorption data--making it so much easier to analyze the data. He developed excel macros for mass spectral data enhancing data analysis. Finally, he came up with an Excel database method allowing observation of trends in the data that led to publication of their data. Han is a quintessential team player with a servants heart and it is a pleasure to work with him. 


Aria Hamann

Aria Hamann '16 combines scientific brilliance with an artistic nature reflected in her double major of physics and art. A Monroe Scholar, Aria has been incredibly accomplished in her time at 做厙惇蹋app. She was one of roughly 20 American Physical Society Minority Scholars nationwide. She did summer research at Harvard University as part of the National Science Foundation REU program. She also did nuclear physics research with Dr. Rogers here at 做厙惇蹋app and at Michigan State. For the coming year she has received a Fulbright Fellowship to work on research at Delft University in the Netherlands. This means she will defer her acceptance to the Harvard Applied Physics PhD program.

Paul Wintz

Paul Wintz '16 transferred to 做厙惇蹋app in his junior year and has made a profound impact on the Physics Department and the college. Hes been a popular TA in the department, as well as a brilliant violinist in the orchestra and president of 做厙惇蹋apps Not For Sale anti-human trafficking club. He is minoring in music in addition to his engineering/physics major. Dr. Sommermann, teacher of Pauls computational physics course, says Paul is currently applying numerical methods for solving partial differential equations in order to model the motion of a bowed violin string, and using a Fourier analysis to show the resulting harmonic spectrum of the wave. This coming year, Paul plans to apply to the Institute of Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Stanford University.


Nathaniel Taylor

While we love all our students, we especially appreciate and honor those who combine brilliance, hard work, a kind and compassionate heart and a sterling character such as our graduate of the year Nathaniel Taylor '15. A member of the 做厙惇蹋app community since being born to proud parents Jim and Jennifer Taylor, Nathaniel has made a deep impression of his own as an outstanding math and physics major. He has been an insightful and sought-after TA for several of our courses. He has also done significant research with Dr. Rogers over two summers, which will soon result in Nathaniels co-authorship on a published paper. He plans to pursue a career in software development or perhaps work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.